RAW Pics

by: Sheetz-FLOL
Komamura is cut down.
Love is cut down.
Ichigo is standing around.
Lisa is cut down.
Soi Fon makes bunshins but it appears she is cut down too.
Kyouraku does something to Aizen with his shadow
Hitsugaya takes the opportunity to stab him from behind.
By: Bleach Sux
Bleach 391: Urahara Appearance
Above Fake Karakura Town:
Komamura and Rose fall... Love flash step to catch Rose. Komamura falling motionless...
Love shout, Rose! (Rose right arm is cut off) pouring lot of blood from his shoulder.
Love: Are you Alright?
Rose: ah.... (pain) and said: What do you think?
Love: I think you are in pain.
Rose: .....
Love: The Battle will soon be over. Hang on!
Rose: Ya you are right LoVE! GO get him My LOVE!
Love: Bankai! (His Bankai will appear a few month later)
Full page:
Picture shows Ichigo. (with a tag line) spilt second opening! (That for wasting space for the every week manga!) Ichigo holding tightly on to his sword...
Ichigo suddenly move... Catain Yamamato saw a small movement from ichigo!
Ichigo move his index finger to his head! And... scratch His scalp...
Ichigo: When should I attack???
Scene change to HitsuGAYa
HitsuGAYa: (in his mind) Aizen is utterly strong! I will be take down in One move if I'm careless! I shall use that move!
HitsuGAYa: Aizen I shall show you my move It greatest defend Bankai in Soul society!
HitsuGAya: HYOUTEN HYAKKUSOU!!! (refer to 359 pg 8 for this move)
Aizen: What is this defend?
HitsuGAYa: This is Ice Defend armor! You would not be able to touch me from now on!
Aizen: Mmm...The defend seem very impressive, and you right the defend field is too wide, but...
HitsuGAYa: but???!
Aizen: The armor is too big. How do you move to attack me?
HitsuGAYa: Like I said... Its meant for defend not for attack!
Scene change to Komamura falling.
Hisagi: Flash step and caught Komamura motionless body.
And he shout for help!
Hisagi: I need help! CAPTAIN KOMAMURA is dying ! ! ! I NEED A VET!
Urahara appear!
Urahara: Saw captain Komaura injury. and said Shit... I must rush back to my store to get some Dog medication and Dog food!
Story ends.
____________________________________________________________Above Fake Karakura Town:
Komamura and Rose fall... Love flash step to catch Rose. Komamura falling motionless...
Love shout, Rose! (Rose right arm is cut off) pouring lot of blood from his shoulder.
Love: Are you Alright?
Rose: ah.... (pain) and said: What do you think?
Love: I think you are in pain.
Rose: .....
Love: The Battle will soon be over. Hang on!
Rose: Ya you are right LoVE! GO get him My LOVE!
Love: Bankai! (His Bankai will appear a few month later)
Full page:
Picture shows Ichigo. (with a tag line) spilt second opening! (That for wasting space for the every week manga!) Ichigo holding tightly on to his sword...
Ichigo suddenly move... Catain Yamamato saw a small movement from ichigo!
Ichigo move his index finger to his head! And... scratch His scalp...
Ichigo: When should I attack???
Scene change to HitsuGAYa
HitsuGAYa: (in his mind) Aizen is utterly strong! I will be take down in One move if I'm careless! I shall use that move!
HitsuGAYa: Aizen I shall show you my move It greatest defend Bankai in Soul society!
HitsuGAya: HYOUTEN HYAKKUSOU!!! (refer to 359 pg 8 for this move)
Aizen: What is this defend?
HitsuGAYa: This is Ice Defend armor! You would not be able to touch me from now on!
Aizen: Mmm...The defend seem very impressive, and you right the defend field is too wide, but...
HitsuGAYa: but???!
Aizen: The armor is too big. How do you move to attack me?
HitsuGAYa: Like I said... Its meant for defend not for attack!
Scene change to Komamura falling.
Hisagi: Flash step and caught Komamura motionless body.
And he shout for help!
Hisagi: I need help! CAPTAIN KOMAMURA is dying ! ! ! I NEED A VET!
Urahara appear!
Urahara: Saw captain Komaura injury. and said Shit... I must rush back to my store to get some Dog medication and Dog food!
Story ends.
by: TensaZangetsu
Chapter 391 ( Sorry I can't come up w/ a title)
Chapter Starts out with Toushiro in complete shock at what happened to komamura while Shunsui is seen with an emotionless face. Gin is still on the building smiling at the fallen body of Komamura.
Meanwhile,Rose is badly injured from the slash by Aizen, but it is not enough to defeat him though. He is about to use his bankai to attack Aizen again, but Love stops him telling him that he doesn't need to strike again since he is so injured. Rose hesitates but doesn't go after Aizen.
Aizen then asks who will attack him next. Hitsugaya raises his sword and is about to attack,but Suddenly, Aizen uses Shunpo to appear in front Hitsugaya.
Hitsugaya tries to slash him but Aizen uses Kyoka Suigetsu to dodge it. He is behind Hitsugaya.
Then Aizen pierces him in the shoulder the same way he did to Harribel. Hitsugaya starts to pass out but he thinks about hinamori and he retalitates.
He says that he is willing to give up his life to kill Aizen.
Aizen just smiles while Hitsugaya starts to power up his reiatsu.
Toshiro screams out" Ryusenka" and he charges at Aizen again.
But Aizen smiles and says that Toshiro must not have learned his lesson from last time. Everyone screams for Hitsugaya to stop but he continues to charge.
As he approaches Aizen, Aizen just simply raises his zanpakuto to block it.
Hitsugaya is terrified and in disbelief that Aizen could effortlessly block his ryusenka attack so easily.
Aizen smiles and tells him that it is over.
Aizen then cuts Toshiro across his chest. Bleeding profusely, Hitsugaya's Bankai shatters while he falls to the ground.
He apologizes to everyone for charging Aizen so recklessly. just as he is about to hit the street below, Yamamoto catches him and gives him to Unohana.
Shunsui then tells everyone to get as far away from here as they can.
Yamamoto tells Aizen that he will personally challenge him to a battle because Aizen's crimes were unforgivable. Aizen continues to smirk saying that he was wondering when the Commander was going to act.
Aizen readies himself, while Yama brings out his zanpakuto and takes off his haori. He tells Shunsui to get everyone away from this area.
Sorry that it took so long. I think that someting like this is going to happen. Hope you guys like my prediction of the next chapter.
by: giggles200pound
Bleach 391 - Understanding Competition
Kubo is shown turned towards a mountainous region of FKT, he is shocked to see Sasuke being so awesome in the latest chapter of Naruto.
A full black page is now shown with a small bit of dialogue of Kubo thinking to himself "shit.. shit.. I have to do something"
Hitsugaya continues to show new attacks, but is interrupted by Kubo.
Kubo: Hitsugaya, I know it's early, but the show needs to get on the road.
Hitsugaya: !!?? oh.. I suppose, it's simply good business.
Aizen: ??
Hitsugaya uses Omnislash downing Aizen to the rubble below.
Is it over!!??
by: GChan
Next week:
One or two more people are slashed by Aizen/Gin. My bet is Lisa and the black guy.
Then after realizing that he's just motherfucking strong, the remaining Gotei/vizards pull back. Yama steps in. He and Aizen battle it out.
Ichigo tries to help but he's stopped by Gin. He and Gin battle it out. And Gin yammers on more about Aizen
The following weeks:
Update on how Kensei's faring against WW. WW learns of Tousen's demise and goes batshit.
Nii-sama and Kenny are still having problems with keeping Yammy down. Yammy begins to get bigger.
Orihime's still healing Ishida up on the dome. The dome starts to collapse...
Isane heals up Chad and Renji.
Rukia learns about what happened to Ichigo from Ishida and Orihime
Bleach, Bleach 391 Predictions, Bleach 391, Bleach 391 Raw, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 391 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers 391, Bleach Anime, Bleach 391 English, Naruto 481, Naruto 481 Spoilers, Naruto 481 Predictions, Naruto 481 Confirmed Spoilers, Naruto 481 English, Bleach 391 Predictions, Bleach 391, Bleach 391 Raw, Bleach Spoilers, Bleach 391 Spoilers, Bleach Manga Spoilers, Bleach Anime, Bleach 391 English, One Piece 573, One Piece 573 RAW, One Piece 573 Spoilers
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