Bleach 383: Too Early To Trust
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by: Nja-2Ch
By getting angry, Yammi gets bigger and goes to fight.
Then Aizen declares he'll fight himself.
When Tousen hears that he places his hand over his face and says this is the new power that Aizen-sama had given him. He motions like he's donning a mask and that's the end of the chapter.
Furious, Yammy once again gets bigger and fights.
After Aizen himself announced that he is going to fight.
After hearing that, Tousen takes his hand to his face, Aizen gave him a new power and at the end it seems like he creates a mask.
by: Onayako
Bleach 383 Prediction
Inside garganta:
Ichigo takes the lead as Captain Unohana begins restoring Ichigo's reiatsu with kido. Ichigo's cloth's slowly regenerating as well.
(Unohana thinking) So what he said was actually true. This kid's reiatsu is beyond imagination. He even possesses more reiatsu than Captain Commander Yamamoto. Then again the spirit path hasn't changed much at all. That can only mean...
Unohana: Kurosaki-san you were actually right about your reiatsu level. Shouldn't be able to make a decent spirit path now.
Ichigo: Come to think of it, I thought I could do it better if I had my reiatsu restored, but I don't know why.
Unohana: Kurosaki-san have you ever practiced kido?
Ichigo: Why should I practice kido? I'm pretty strong as I am now.
Unohana: I'm well aware you are pretty strong Kurosaki-san, (with a serious impression) but I asked you a question, right Kurosaki-san?
Ichigo: (Thinking: Jesus, she is even scarier than Yamamoto old man). Right, sorry Unohana-san. I don't know if it counts but once I had to practice a form of kido to break into Seretei when I've come to save Rukia. In order to break in to Seretei I've had to focus my reiatsu to a wierd spirit core and form a shell. It was truly difficult for me. I thought I couldn't make it. But then Ganju tought me a way...
Unohana: I see. Kurosaki-san, what he tought you is a basic way of controlling reiatsu. You see you don't have any particular skill in controlling your reiatsu.
Ichigo: Ishida always brags about the same thing, but I don't really take it seriously.
Unohana: You should Kurosaki-san. If you we're a shinigami of a normal caliber, you could've understand the importance of reiatsu control. But since you always had a huge reiatsu to begin with you never felt worn of during your battles that easily. As you know reiatsu greatly enhances all the techniques we use. You can become 2 times stronger once you get a hold of it.
Ichigo: 2 times? No way. Are you sure Unohana-san?
Unohana: Yes, but than again it won't happen right away.
Ichigo: Unohana-san, please I'm begging you. Please tell me more about reiatsu controlling. Even if its a little bit.
Unohana smiles.
Yammy, Byakuya, Kenpachi scene:
Kenpachi: Man...This guy was nothing but a big talk, I didn't even removed my eye-patch.
Byakuya: What are you talking about, that's because my bankai did all the job.
Kenpachi: What did you say? I had enough with your talk Kuchiki Byakuya. If you wanna get a taste of my sword then BRING IT ON!
As Kenpachi and Byakuya argueing with each other Yammy is seen trying to stand up. His face is seen to be in a really bad shape.
Kenpachi: Good grief, right Kuchiki Byakuya!(Takes his eye-patch off). Now watch and learn what a real attack should be!
Byakuya: What non-sense! A barbarian from Rukongai like you can not hope to achive the power of us the noble families even in his dreams! Final Scene: Sword of the White Emperor.
As he barely stands Yammy wide opens his mouth and takes a huge breath. All the reiatsu around seems to be sucked by Yammy. All his wounds are healing and cut of limbs are regenerating with a super fast rate. Both Byakuya and Kenpachi is shocked.
Yammy: This is the power of my, the zero Espada's released form! What's the matter you ants? Where'd that impressing reiatsu of yours go? Oh that's right! I just sucked it! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Mayuri: Interesting, veeery interesting. I've never thought Hueco Mundo would be such an interesting place, right Nemu? (Nemu is seen dead [again XD] on the ground due to massive reiatsu loss). Jesus how many times do I have ressurrect this stupid woman. But more importantly, you sure are a lucky one Arrancar!
Yammy: Whaat are you talking about you little ant.
Mayuri: You see, you've just become of my test subjects. I've recently developed a new type of bacteria which needed to be tested. I released them when you started sucking reiatsu. Luckily you took them as well. All the bacteria you took started analizing your body as we speak. Once the analize is complete they will start decomposing you from inside out. Eventually you'll cease to exist!
Kenpachi: Damn you freaking scientist! Who told you to interfere!
Yammy: Hahaha! Do you ants really think simple bacteria will be enough to kill me, The Great Yammy Rialgo, The Zero Espada!!!
Mayuri: Watch your words you overgrown simpleton! Noone, but noone can underestimate my science!
Will Mayuri's new bacteria work on Yammy? The End.
by: Woo
Bleach 383
Las Noches
Yammy – GAHHH! (blood splatters) YOU BASTARDS! (Shoots a cero)
Kenpachi – GIVE UP! YAH HAHAHA! (Slashes Yammy cutting off another limb)
Byakuya – Stop playing around. Scatter...
Yammy is seen on the ground all limbs cut off in a pool of blood)
Hahahaha the blood of an espada is truly a delicious feat.
Byakuya – What reiatsu....
Kenpachi – Show yourself!
Mayuri – So that pink haired scientists' information was correct. There really is a being that absorbs the blood of those fallen in this land. Come on out ... Devorador. (Devorador means blood eater)
Devorador – Ah so you know my name, shinigami... And I presume you know what I am and what my abilities are?
Mayuri – Not really.... but I intend to learn... I am a more competent scientist than pinky. Kenpachi... go... have fun.
Back in the Garganta
Unohana – (Thinking)-How could a mere boy have such strength rivaling that of captains?... He's more of a prodigy than Captain Hitsugaya. From what I hear and what I've read in reports he's become exceptionally strong and is very tactical... Could he be...
Ichigo – Captain, look! My clothes is slowly being restored.... and look at the path it's more straighter and wider.
Unohana – That's impressive Kurosaki-san. (Thinking)- How is he able to heal in such a place like this?
Ichigo – Look out!
(panting) still fast huh... I would've expected you to be slower seeing you beaten up like this.
Ichigo – (Shocked) You...You're dead... I saw you fall... Grimmjow
Grimmjow – HAH! You wish! You weak excuse for a shinigami.
Ichigo – You were struck down.
Grimmjow – by that weak excuse for an espada... you underestimate me shinigami. He merely caught me by surprise. But I assure you that in here it will not happen again. We end it here. Once and for all...
Ichigo – hmmm... I don't need my mask to defeat you...again.
Grimmjow – Desgarron! HERE I COME SHINIGAMI!
Ichigo – Tsk... Getsuga Tensho!
The two attacks clash, Ichigo is seen hunched over holding his shoulder.
Grimmjow – Get up shinigami... Do not mock me... let me see your full strength... If you can defeat Ulquiorra, then I shouldn't be a problem...
Ichigo is seen caught in a daze...
What's the matter “King”. Have you fallen off of your horse... again?
Inside Ichigos inner world
Ichigo – Why? Why am I having troubles...? What have you done?
Hichigo – Nothing... just you and your incompetence... King... You almost lost your self to me before.. then again when you face those vizards. Then once more when you fought that 4th espada guy.
Ichigo – I lost my self...?
Hichigo – Yes... Would you like to see? Hehehehe. (pulls over mask, it's in an entirely different pattern) You like it?
Ichigo – It's different...
Hichigo – Oh, what's this I can take it another step... Haaaa? (He grasps his chest and pulls off his entire body revealing another one).
Ichigo – What... is this?
Overlooking the current scene.
Zangetsu – Ichigo...
Las Noches
Devorador – You want to learn about me... I'll help you... I am what I am... I am not a Hollow, Arrancar, Espada, Shinigami, or Human... I am a Cleanser... But why waste the strength of those fallen...?
Mayuri – Oh... A Cleanser... Hmmm... Well this is new... But like all new things... they must be taken apart to be examined...
Devorador – HAHAHA! Strike if you dare.
Panel shows Each Character. Ichigo, Hichigo, Unohana, Kenpachi, Mayuri and Byakuya at the top half.
Yammy, Grimmjow and Devorador in the bottom half.
What is in store next time.
Devorador means Blood Eater in spanish...
by: eddy26
It starts off with Yammy's face full of gashes from Senbonzakura and Kenpachi's slash.
Yammy: Bastards!
Byakuya: I'm surprised you are still alive Espada.
Kenpachi: Just die already I'm getting tired of slashing someone who can't even put up a fight.
Yammy: Can't put up a fight? I haven't even begun to fight seriously yet.
He starts to use Gonzui and everyone's reiatsu is being sucked up. Rukia and everyone else are unconscious only the three captains are standing.
Yammy: Hahaha let's see you act so tough now shinigami.
Byakuya: Damn it I can barely stand.
Yammy: It doesn't matter if you are an arrancar or shinigami no one can escape my power even Aizen should fear my strength.
Kenpachi: You talk too much.
Yammy: What did you say insect I think you'll be the first one I crush.
Yammy swings down his fist aiming at Kenpachi. It switches to Ichigo and Unohana. Ichigo looks like he is in perfect health.
Ichigo: I see the opening we are almost there.
Unohana: Kurosaki Ichigo your reiatsu should be fully restored now.
Ichigo: Thanks I feel great.
Unohana: Please stand behind me.
Ichigo: Why?
She gives him one of her stares and Ichigo gets scared.
Ichigo: Sure whatever you say.
Unohana: Ichigo neither of us knows what the situation is in Karakura Town. Aizen might have already used Kyoka Suigetsu.
Ichigo: Ok I get it now you want to make sure I don't see his shikai.
Unohana: Correct there is a second reason I want you to stay behind me.
Ichigo: Really what is it?
Unohana: I don't want you to overreact most of our friends are likely to be injured.
Ichigo: Don't worry about me if anyone is injured I'm sure you'll be able to heal them you are the best medic in Soul Society.
Once they come out of the garganta they are both shocked at the scene. Tousen is using his bankai. Kensei is bleeding all over Rose and Love have both joined him to fight Wonderweiss. Lisa is standing next to Mashiro while Hacchi is over where both parts of Hiyori are lying. Kira looks extremely tired taking care of the lieutenants and Ukitake. Ichigo looks up and finally sees Shinji who is fighting Gin.
Ichigo: Shinji I thought you and the others hated the shinigami.
Unohana: You know Hirako Shinji?
Ichigo: Yes he helped me gain control of my powers. I have to go help him with Aizen and Gin.
He is about to take off but a hand holds him back.
Unohana: Where do you think you are going?
Ichigo: Let go of me didn't you tell me that I'm the only who hasn't seen Aizen's shikai?
Unohana: Yes but you aren't going to be able to fight Aizen one on one. If we are to defeat Aizen we all have to fight together. That is why the captain commander hasn't started fighting yet he was waiting for everyone to return from Hueco Mundo.
Ichigo: Why? Look at Hiyori and Ukitake why didn't he intervene?
Unohana: He thought that we might find a way to defeat Aizen in Hueco Mundo. Why do you think he sent captain Kurotsuchi to Hueco Mundo.
It switches back to Hueco Mundo. Yammy is looking down and sees his arm has been cut off.
Yammy: What the hell?
Kenpachi: That's it? That's all you got.
Kenpachi has taken his eyepatch off.
Kenpachi: Looks like I'm going to have to cut off your head before you can use that move again.
Chapter ends with Kenpachi jumping up towards Yammy's head.
by: sux2bme
Bleach 383: The Ash Returns
Also read his prediction
Bleach 384: Blackout, Whiteout, Makeout, Timeout
Starts with yammy
Yammy: (Appears unhurt and smiles)
Ken and Byakuya: (confused)
Yammy: Mega Gonzui
Every being in the vicinity got weaken tremendously after the ability of yammy, small hollows, weak arrancars and some weak shinigamis esp. byakuya and kenpachi who were gonzuid away so much cause they were in front of yammy's ugly face
ken and byakuya: (weaken but still alive)
Ken: ... that was a nasty trick you got there, you shitface...
Byakuya: seems like half of my reiatsu is gone...
Ken: hmmm... scary thing ain't he... we need to get serioius...
Byakuya: that's a certain fact...
then they looked at yammy, he was bigger than before...
Yammy: what a bunch of losers... though you're a tough bunch to resist my gonzui esp. in my released form but i can do it again... i could just whisk your spirit energy like that...
Ken: NO you can't...bastard
Byakuya: I'm not letting you do that again...
Yammy: Mega... gon...
Byakuya: Uses senbonzakura (the one he use against zommari)
Ken: Kendo slash...
but they are all again weaken, this time they're at their brink of death, byakuya's zanpakuto materialize back to its sealed form, kenpachi, down and out, his soul cutter shattered to pieces...
Yammy:this is futile for you all, the moment i will gonzui, it's over...
Yammy: but first, i'm going to cracked that girl's skull before i destroy you two...(stares at rukia)...
Rukia: no nii-sama, sode no mai, first dance...
But the ice pillar just shattered on the ground and did nothing to yammy...
Byakuya: Rukia!!! Run away i'm going to try and keep this monster at bay... just run... don't look back...just run...
Kenpachi: You think i will let you do that.. i hate you but i am afraid you are far important than me...
Byakuya, just go away and take yachiru away...
kenpachi: haha... tell her that i have fun with her... can't forget it... just go and take rukia and yachiru...
Yammy: if you wanna die that badly then i have to kill you all... now...
then yammy saw an shining arrow... then it hit him... a big blast occur...
After that yammy, fuck what's that... that was pretty similar to... but no... it can't be... but he's dead...
three people appear from a tower...
inoue and ishida and
Yammy: Ulquiorra!!!
Also read his prediction
Bleach 384: Blackout, Whiteout, Makeout, Timeout
by: Ishida
Bleach 383: Be My Family Or Not 2
Ichigo and Unohana arrive in FKT only to see Love, Rose and Lisa surrounded by the remaining Gotei 13 with swords drawn.
Ichigo: "why are they attacking their allies".
Unohana: "this is the power of Kyōka Suigetsu".
From behind Gin attempts to slice Ichigo in half, but his attack is blocked. Ichigo looks shocked to see that his father was the one to deflect the attack.
Isshin: "Ichigo, you're reflexes have gotten slow".
Gin responds: " I just love family reunions".
by: Starky
Bleach 383 - Monstrosities
Chapter begins with Ichigo and Unohana, Unohana is healing Ichigo. They talk about the upcoming battles and that it wont be easy. Scene switches to Yammy, Kenpachi and Byakuya.
Yammy falls back after being really damaged, Kenpachi smirks and laughs. Byakuya just stares. Isane is healing Renji, Chad and Rukia. Hanatarou arrives with some medical supplies. Yammy sits up and grabs Isane, Renji and Chad stand up after being healed by Isane and do a tag team attack. Rukia uses her Zanpakuto to freeze Yammy's hand, Renji and Chads attack shatter his hand and Renji catches Isane. A garganta opens far away.
Bleach 384 - Survivors of Aizen
Kenpachi, Byakuya, Rukia, Renji, Chad, Mayuri, Nemu, Hanatarou and Isane all face the garganta. An unreleased Harribel walks out carrying Starrk(in release form). She collapses the second she gets there. Rukia, Renji and Chad run towards them. Harribel looks up "Aizen, has betrayed his fellow Espada..." The three looked shocked and call Isane and Hanatarou over to heal them. Yammy notices them "Chih, you weaklings are still alive!" Yammy goes to punch the espadas but is intercepted by Kenpachi, who releases a lot of power to blast him away. Isane and Hanatarou shunpo away with the espadas.
Yammy's hand begin to regenerate, and when they are fully regenerated he lifts his arms in the air and powers up an attack called "Hell Comet".
Bleach 385 - Hell Comet
Flames start to engulf the comet and it begins to get bigger, so big that the roof shatters, Uryu and Orihime come falling down, but thanks to Uryu the two land safely after using some quincy technique. They notice Yammy about to use the comet, Byakuya tells Renji, Rukia, Chad, Uryu and Orihime to leave as they cannot handle it. The 5 ignore him and prepare to stop it. Yammy throws the Comet and it comes down fast, a huge explosion happens.
___________________________________________________________by: Onayako
Bleach 383 Prediction
Inside garganta:
Ichigo takes the lead as Captain Unohana begins restoring Ichigo's reiatsu with kido. Ichigo's cloth's slowly regenerating as well.
(Unohana thinking) So what he said was actually true. This kid's reiatsu is beyond imagination. He even possesses more reiatsu than Captain Commander Yamamoto. Then again the spirit path hasn't changed much at all. That can only mean...
Unohana: Kurosaki-san you were actually right about your reiatsu level. Shouldn't be able to make a decent spirit path now.
Ichigo: Come to think of it, I thought I could do it better if I had my reiatsu restored, but I don't know why.
Unohana: Kurosaki-san have you ever practiced kido?
Ichigo: Why should I practice kido? I'm pretty strong as I am now.
Unohana: I'm well aware you are pretty strong Kurosaki-san, (with a serious impression) but I asked you a question, right Kurosaki-san?
Ichigo: (Thinking: Jesus, she is even scarier than Yamamoto old man). Right, sorry Unohana-san. I don't know if it counts but once I had to practice a form of kido to break into Seretei when I've come to save Rukia. In order to break in to Seretei I've had to focus my reiatsu to a wierd spirit core and form a shell. It was truly difficult for me. I thought I couldn't make it. But then Ganju tought me a way...
Unohana: I see. Kurosaki-san, what he tought you is a basic way of controlling reiatsu. You see you don't have any particular skill in controlling your reiatsu.
Ichigo: Ishida always brags about the same thing, but I don't really take it seriously.
Unohana: You should Kurosaki-san. If you we're a shinigami of a normal caliber, you could've understand the importance of reiatsu control. But since you always had a huge reiatsu to begin with you never felt worn of during your battles that easily. As you know reiatsu greatly enhances all the techniques we use. You can become 2 times stronger once you get a hold of it.
Ichigo: 2 times? No way. Are you sure Unohana-san?
Unohana: Yes, but than again it won't happen right away.
Ichigo: Unohana-san, please I'm begging you. Please tell me more about reiatsu controlling. Even if its a little bit.
Unohana smiles.
Yammy, Byakuya, Kenpachi scene:
Kenpachi: Man...This guy was nothing but a big talk, I didn't even removed my eye-patch.
Byakuya: What are you talking about, that's because my bankai did all the job.
Kenpachi: What did you say? I had enough with your talk Kuchiki Byakuya. If you wanna get a taste of my sword then BRING IT ON!
As Kenpachi and Byakuya argueing with each other Yammy is seen trying to stand up. His face is seen to be in a really bad shape.
Kenpachi: Good grief, right Kuchiki Byakuya!(Takes his eye-patch off). Now watch and learn what a real attack should be!
Byakuya: What non-sense! A barbarian from Rukongai like you can not hope to achive the power of us the noble families even in his dreams! Final Scene: Sword of the White Emperor.
As he barely stands Yammy wide opens his mouth and takes a huge breath. All the reiatsu around seems to be sucked by Yammy. All his wounds are healing and cut of limbs are regenerating with a super fast rate. Both Byakuya and Kenpachi is shocked.
Yammy: This is the power of my, the zero Espada's released form! What's the matter you ants? Where'd that impressing reiatsu of yours go? Oh that's right! I just sucked it! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Mayuri: Interesting, veeery interesting. I've never thought Hueco Mundo would be such an interesting place, right Nemu? (Nemu is seen dead [again XD] on the ground due to massive reiatsu loss). Jesus how many times do I have ressurrect this stupid woman. But more importantly, you sure are a lucky one Arrancar!
Yammy: Whaat are you talking about you little ant.
Mayuri: You see, you've just become of my test subjects. I've recently developed a new type of bacteria which needed to be tested. I released them when you started sucking reiatsu. Luckily you took them as well. All the bacteria you took started analizing your body as we speak. Once the analize is complete they will start decomposing you from inside out. Eventually you'll cease to exist!
Kenpachi: Damn you freaking scientist! Who told you to interfere!
Yammy: Hahaha! Do you ants really think simple bacteria will be enough to kill me, The Great Yammy Rialgo, The Zero Espada!!!
Mayuri: Watch your words you overgrown simpleton! Noone, but noone can underestimate my science!
Will Mayuri's new bacteria work on Yammy? The End.
by: Woo
Bleach 383
Las Noches
Yammy – GAHHH! (blood splatters) YOU BASTARDS! (Shoots a cero)
Kenpachi – GIVE UP! YAH HAHAHA! (Slashes Yammy cutting off another limb)
Byakuya – Stop playing around. Scatter...
Yammy is seen on the ground all limbs cut off in a pool of blood)
Hahahaha the blood of an espada is truly a delicious feat.
Byakuya – What reiatsu....
Kenpachi – Show yourself!
Mayuri – So that pink haired scientists' information was correct. There really is a being that absorbs the blood of those fallen in this land. Come on out ... Devorador. (Devorador means blood eater)
Devorador – Ah so you know my name, shinigami... And I presume you know what I am and what my abilities are?
Mayuri – Not really.... but I intend to learn... I am a more competent scientist than pinky. Kenpachi... go... have fun.
Back in the Garganta
Unohana – (Thinking)-How could a mere boy have such strength rivaling that of captains?... He's more of a prodigy than Captain Hitsugaya. From what I hear and what I've read in reports he's become exceptionally strong and is very tactical... Could he be...
Ichigo – Captain, look! My clothes is slowly being restored.... and look at the path it's more straighter and wider.
Unohana – That's impressive Kurosaki-san. (Thinking)- How is he able to heal in such a place like this?
Ichigo – Look out!
(panting) still fast huh... I would've expected you to be slower seeing you beaten up like this.
Ichigo – (Shocked) You...You're dead... I saw you fall... Grimmjow
Grimmjow – HAH! You wish! You weak excuse for a shinigami.
Ichigo – You were struck down.
Grimmjow – by that weak excuse for an espada... you underestimate me shinigami. He merely caught me by surprise. But I assure you that in here it will not happen again. We end it here. Once and for all...
Ichigo – hmmm... I don't need my mask to defeat you...again.
Grimmjow – Desgarron! HERE I COME SHINIGAMI!
Ichigo – Tsk... Getsuga Tensho!
The two attacks clash, Ichigo is seen hunched over holding his shoulder.
Grimmjow – Get up shinigami... Do not mock me... let me see your full strength... If you can defeat Ulquiorra, then I shouldn't be a problem...
Ichigo is seen caught in a daze...
What's the matter “King”. Have you fallen off of your horse... again?
Inside Ichigos inner world
Ichigo – Why? Why am I having troubles...? What have you done?
Hichigo – Nothing... just you and your incompetence... King... You almost lost your self to me before.. then again when you face those vizards. Then once more when you fought that 4th espada guy.
Ichigo – I lost my self...?
Hichigo – Yes... Would you like to see? Hehehehe. (pulls over mask, it's in an entirely different pattern) You like it?
Ichigo – It's different...
Hichigo – Oh, what's this I can take it another step... Haaaa? (He grasps his chest and pulls off his entire body revealing another one).
Ichigo – What... is this?
Overlooking the current scene.
Zangetsu – Ichigo...
Las Noches
Devorador – You want to learn about me... I'll help you... I am what I am... I am not a Hollow, Arrancar, Espada, Shinigami, or Human... I am a Cleanser... But why waste the strength of those fallen...?
Mayuri – Oh... A Cleanser... Hmmm... Well this is new... But like all new things... they must be taken apart to be examined...
Devorador – HAHAHA! Strike if you dare.
Panel shows Each Character. Ichigo, Hichigo, Unohana, Kenpachi, Mayuri and Byakuya at the top half.
Yammy, Grimmjow and Devorador in the bottom half.
What is in store next time.
Devorador means Blood Eater in spanish...
by: eddy26
It starts off with Yammy's face full of gashes from Senbonzakura and Kenpachi's slash.
Yammy: Bastards!
Byakuya: I'm surprised you are still alive Espada.
Kenpachi: Just die already I'm getting tired of slashing someone who can't even put up a fight.
Yammy: Can't put up a fight? I haven't even begun to fight seriously yet.
He starts to use Gonzui and everyone's reiatsu is being sucked up. Rukia and everyone else are unconscious only the three captains are standing.
Yammy: Hahaha let's see you act so tough now shinigami.
Byakuya: Damn it I can barely stand.
Yammy: It doesn't matter if you are an arrancar or shinigami no one can escape my power even Aizen should fear my strength.
Kenpachi: You talk too much.
Yammy: What did you say insect I think you'll be the first one I crush.
Yammy swings down his fist aiming at Kenpachi. It switches to Ichigo and Unohana. Ichigo looks like he is in perfect health.
Ichigo: I see the opening we are almost there.
Unohana: Kurosaki Ichigo your reiatsu should be fully restored now.
Ichigo: Thanks I feel great.
Unohana: Please stand behind me.
Ichigo: Why?
She gives him one of her stares and Ichigo gets scared.
Ichigo: Sure whatever you say.
Unohana: Ichigo neither of us knows what the situation is in Karakura Town. Aizen might have already used Kyoka Suigetsu.
Ichigo: Ok I get it now you want to make sure I don't see his shikai.
Unohana: Correct there is a second reason I want you to stay behind me.
Ichigo: Really what is it?
Unohana: I don't want you to overreact most of our friends are likely to be injured.
Ichigo: Don't worry about me if anyone is injured I'm sure you'll be able to heal them you are the best medic in Soul Society.
Once they come out of the garganta they are both shocked at the scene. Tousen is using his bankai. Kensei is bleeding all over Rose and Love have both joined him to fight Wonderweiss. Lisa is standing next to Mashiro while Hacchi is over where both parts of Hiyori are lying. Kira looks extremely tired taking care of the lieutenants and Ukitake. Ichigo looks up and finally sees Shinji who is fighting Gin.
Ichigo: Shinji I thought you and the others hated the shinigami.
Unohana: You know Hirako Shinji?
Ichigo: Yes he helped me gain control of my powers. I have to go help him with Aizen and Gin.
He is about to take off but a hand holds him back.
Unohana: Where do you think you are going?
Ichigo: Let go of me didn't you tell me that I'm the only who hasn't seen Aizen's shikai?
Unohana: Yes but you aren't going to be able to fight Aizen one on one. If we are to defeat Aizen we all have to fight together. That is why the captain commander hasn't started fighting yet he was waiting for everyone to return from Hueco Mundo.
Ichigo: Why? Look at Hiyori and Ukitake why didn't he intervene?
Unohana: He thought that we might find a way to defeat Aizen in Hueco Mundo. Why do you think he sent captain Kurotsuchi to Hueco Mundo.
It switches back to Hueco Mundo. Yammy is looking down and sees his arm has been cut off.
Yammy: What the hell?
Kenpachi: That's it? That's all you got.
Kenpachi has taken his eyepatch off.
Kenpachi: Looks like I'm going to have to cut off your head before you can use that move again.
Chapter ends with Kenpachi jumping up towards Yammy's head.
by: sux2bme
Bleach 383: The Ash Returns
Also read his prediction
Bleach 384: Blackout, Whiteout, Makeout, Timeout
Starts with yammy
Yammy: (Appears unhurt and smiles)
Ken and Byakuya: (confused)
Yammy: Mega Gonzui
Every being in the vicinity got weaken tremendously after the ability of yammy, small hollows, weak arrancars and some weak shinigamis esp. byakuya and kenpachi who were gonzuid away so much cause they were in front of yammy's ugly face
ken and byakuya: (weaken but still alive)
Ken: ... that was a nasty trick you got there, you shitface...
Byakuya: seems like half of my reiatsu is gone...
Ken: hmmm... scary thing ain't he... we need to get serioius...
Byakuya: that's a certain fact...
then they looked at yammy, he was bigger than before...
Yammy: what a bunch of losers... though you're a tough bunch to resist my gonzui esp. in my released form but i can do it again... i could just whisk your spirit energy like that...
Ken: NO you can't...bastard
Byakuya: I'm not letting you do that again...
Yammy: Mega... gon...
Byakuya: Uses senbonzakura (the one he use against zommari)
Ken: Kendo slash...
but they are all again weaken, this time they're at their brink of death, byakuya's zanpakuto materialize back to its sealed form, kenpachi, down and out, his soul cutter shattered to pieces...
Yammy:this is futile for you all, the moment i will gonzui, it's over...
Yammy: but first, i'm going to cracked that girl's skull before i destroy you two...(stares at rukia)...
Rukia: no nii-sama, sode no mai, first dance...
But the ice pillar just shattered on the ground and did nothing to yammy...
Byakuya: Rukia!!! Run away i'm going to try and keep this monster at bay... just run... don't look back...just run...
Kenpachi: You think i will let you do that.. i hate you but i am afraid you are far important than me...
Byakuya, just go away and take yachiru away...
kenpachi: haha... tell her that i have fun with her... can't forget it... just go and take rukia and yachiru...
Yammy: if you wanna die that badly then i have to kill you all... now...
then yammy saw an shining arrow... then it hit him... a big blast occur...
After that yammy, fuck what's that... that was pretty similar to... but no... it can't be... but he's dead...
three people appear from a tower...
inoue and ishida and
Yammy: Ulquiorra!!!
Also read his prediction
Bleach 384: Blackout, Whiteout, Makeout, Timeout
by: Ishida
Bleach 383: Be My Family Or Not 2
Ichigo and Unohana arrive in FKT only to see Love, Rose and Lisa surrounded by the remaining Gotei 13 with swords drawn.
Ichigo: "why are they attacking their allies".
Unohana: "this is the power of Kyōka Suigetsu".
From behind Gin attempts to slice Ichigo in half, but his attack is blocked. Ichigo looks shocked to see that his father was the one to deflect the attack.
Isshin: "Ichigo, you're reflexes have gotten slow".
Gin responds: " I just love family reunions".
by: Starky
Bleach 383 - Monstrosities
Chapter begins with Ichigo and Unohana, Unohana is healing Ichigo. They talk about the upcoming battles and that it wont be easy. Scene switches to Yammy, Kenpachi and Byakuya.
Yammy falls back after being really damaged, Kenpachi smirks and laughs. Byakuya just stares. Isane is healing Renji, Chad and Rukia. Hanatarou arrives with some medical supplies. Yammy sits up and grabs Isane, Renji and Chad stand up after being healed by Isane and do a tag team attack. Rukia uses her Zanpakuto to freeze Yammy's hand, Renji and Chads attack shatter his hand and Renji catches Isane. A garganta opens far away.
Bleach 384 - Survivors of Aizen
Kenpachi, Byakuya, Rukia, Renji, Chad, Mayuri, Nemu, Hanatarou and Isane all face the garganta. An unreleased Harribel walks out carrying Starrk(in release form). She collapses the second she gets there. Rukia, Renji and Chad run towards them. Harribel looks up "Aizen, has betrayed his fellow Espada..." The three looked shocked and call Isane and Hanatarou over to heal them. Yammy notices them "Chih, you weaklings are still alive!" Yammy goes to punch the espadas but is intercepted by Kenpachi, who releases a lot of power to blast him away. Isane and Hanatarou shunpo away with the espadas.
Yammy's hand begin to regenerate, and when they are fully regenerated he lifts his arms in the air and powers up an attack called "Hell Comet".
Bleach 385 - Hell Comet
Flames start to engulf the comet and it begins to get bigger, so big that the roof shatters, Uryu and Orihime come falling down, but thanks to Uryu the two land safely after using some quincy technique. They notice Yammy about to use the comet, Byakuya tells Renji, Rukia, Chad, Uryu and Orihime to leave as they cannot handle it. The 5 ignore him and prepare to stop it. Yammy throws the Comet and it comes down fast, a huge explosion happens.
by: espada_stark
Bleach 383. "The Evolution"
*Starts off in Hueco Mundo.*
Yammy is bleeding from where he got slashed and has his hand covering his face in pain.
Yammy: You Fucking bugs! How dare you do such a thing,I'll smash you into pieces!!
Yammy swings his tail at Kenpachi and Byakuya.
Byakuya and Kenpachi easily dodge this attack
Kenpachi: Damnit when is he gonna die already? He's startin to piss me off!
Byakuya: Only a savage like you can lose his temper so quickly.
Kenpachi get's more annoyed
Kenpachi: You know your startin to piss me off too Byakuya! Don't make me cut you!
Byakuya:If you can that is.
Byakuya and Kenpachi start to fight.
Mayuri looks at them with amusement and grins.
Mayuri:My,My their like cats and dogs,always competing against each other.
Mayuri then looks to Yammy.
Mayuri: That espada said he was "Espada Zero" but what i find interesting is that why is he so weak compared to the ones Byakuya,Kenpachi,and myself fought,or is he not showing his true power?
Nemu:Not showing his true power?
Yammy slams his fist into the ground and makes it shake.
Yammy:That's It!! I had enough with you damn insects!!
Byakuya and Kenpachi stop fighting and look at Yammy.
Yammy: You think I am weak don't you?Don't you?!?
Yammy releases a lot of heavy reiatsu.
Yammy: Well your DEAD wrong,you see if an espada is strong enough,he can contol his evolution rate.
Kenpachi:Evolution rate? what the hell is that?
Yammy:Right now I am an Adjuchas level arrancar.
Yammy starts to glow with his own reiatsu and gets bigger and bigger.
Byakuya:What is this?
Kenpachi:His reiatsu is gettin stronger!
Yammy:Let me show you what a REAL vasto lorde looks like!!!
Yammy explodes causing the reiatsu to go off flying into a swirling vortex.
*Scene goes to Ichigo and Unohana.*
Ichigo's bankai outfit is half-complete.
Unohana:You know Kurosaki you remind me of a powerful shinigami that i used to know.
Ichigo:Yeah,that Kaien Shiba guy right? People say I look and act like him.
Unohana looks at Ichigo.
Unohana:No not Kaien,you are a lot like him,but he is not the man I am talking about.
Ichigo looks confused.
Ichigo:Then who?
Unohana:The man you remind me of is,previous Captain of Squad Zero,Isshin Kurosaki.
Ichigo looks shocked.
*Back to Hueco Mundo.*
The smoke from the explosion almost clears up and there is a human-shaped figure standing there.
Kenpachi:Who the hell?
Kenpachi then gets slashed across his torso.
Kenpachi:What the hell?!
Byakuya and Mayuri are shocked to see this.
Byakuya:What in the world?
All three captains look at the shadowy figure.
Yammy:Now,you shall expierence the fear and despair when you fight a vasto lorde!!
Yammy is now human-sized with nothing covering his torso(no shirt),he has white armor covering his waist down(they look like skinny jeans except with white armor),with two claws clinging on his sides,his hands are now claws,his hollow mask is his sharp teeth,he still has red markings under his eyes and his hollow hole is still the same,but he has horns,short white hair,and his sclera is light purple and his iris is completley black.
by: Doryan E
Bleach 383: Angelic Devil
Ichigo: Don't worry about me, I will defeat Aizen for sure.
Unohana: I know you will, Kurosaki-san. You are strong, and a great asset to the Gotei 13.
Unohana: (thinks to herself) I hope our gambit works...
Ichigo: But...Byakuya said-
Unohana: He thinks very well of you, he is just still very proud. Do not despise him, Kurosaki-san.
Ichigo: Okay...well, we are almost there.
Unohana: (thinks to herself) (eyes shaded and narrowed) It is too bad that it has to come to this...ryoka.
Ichigo: Is something the matter?
Unohana: Nothing, Kurosaki-san.
Ichigo: Okay.
They arrive at the other end of the gate.
Ichigo: !
Unohana: Is something wrong?
Ichigo: fighting each other.
(scenes juxtaposing what each captain and vizard sees, with what is really happening.)
Unohana: you see why you must defeat Aizen. Do you see him?
Ichigo: Yes...
Unohana: You are the strongest of us. If anyone can defeat him, and save your friends, it is you.
Ichigo: Right!
Unohana: (thinks to herself) Farewell, ryoka...I will not see you again.
____________________________________________________________*Starts off in Hueco Mundo.*
Yammy is bleeding from where he got slashed and has his hand covering his face in pain.
Yammy: You Fucking bugs! How dare you do such a thing,I'll smash you into pieces!!
Yammy swings his tail at Kenpachi and Byakuya.
Byakuya and Kenpachi easily dodge this attack
Kenpachi: Damnit when is he gonna die already? He's startin to piss me off!
Byakuya: Only a savage like you can lose his temper so quickly.
Kenpachi get's more annoyed
Kenpachi: You know your startin to piss me off too Byakuya! Don't make me cut you!
Byakuya:If you can that is.
Byakuya and Kenpachi start to fight.
Mayuri looks at them with amusement and grins.
Mayuri:My,My their like cats and dogs,always competing against each other.
Mayuri then looks to Yammy.
Mayuri: That espada said he was "Espada Zero" but what i find interesting is that why is he so weak compared to the ones Byakuya,Kenpachi,and myself fought,or is he not showing his true power?
Nemu:Not showing his true power?
Yammy slams his fist into the ground and makes it shake.
Yammy:That's It!! I had enough with you damn insects!!
Byakuya and Kenpachi stop fighting and look at Yammy.
Yammy: You think I am weak don't you?Don't you?!?
Yammy releases a lot of heavy reiatsu.
Yammy: Well your DEAD wrong,you see if an espada is strong enough,he can contol his evolution rate.
Kenpachi:Evolution rate? what the hell is that?
Yammy:Right now I am an Adjuchas level arrancar.
Yammy starts to glow with his own reiatsu and gets bigger and bigger.
Byakuya:What is this?
Kenpachi:His reiatsu is gettin stronger!
Yammy:Let me show you what a REAL vasto lorde looks like!!!
Yammy explodes causing the reiatsu to go off flying into a swirling vortex.
*Scene goes to Ichigo and Unohana.*
Ichigo's bankai outfit is half-complete.
Unohana:You know Kurosaki you remind me of a powerful shinigami that i used to know.
Ichigo:Yeah,that Kaien Shiba guy right? People say I look and act like him.
Unohana looks at Ichigo.
Unohana:No not Kaien,you are a lot like him,but he is not the man I am talking about.
Ichigo looks confused.
Ichigo:Then who?
Unohana:The man you remind me of is,previous Captain of Squad Zero,Isshin Kurosaki.
Ichigo looks shocked.
*Back to Hueco Mundo.*
The smoke from the explosion almost clears up and there is a human-shaped figure standing there.
Kenpachi:Who the hell?
Kenpachi then gets slashed across his torso.
Kenpachi:What the hell?!
Byakuya and Mayuri are shocked to see this.
Byakuya:What in the world?
All three captains look at the shadowy figure.
Yammy:Now,you shall expierence the fear and despair when you fight a vasto lorde!!
Yammy is now human-sized with nothing covering his torso(no shirt),he has white armor covering his waist down(they look like skinny jeans except with white armor),with two claws clinging on his sides,his hands are now claws,his hollow mask is his sharp teeth,he still has red markings under his eyes and his hollow hole is still the same,but he has horns,short white hair,and his sclera is light purple and his iris is completley black.
by: Doryan E
Bleach 383: Angelic Devil
Ichigo: Don't worry about me, I will defeat Aizen for sure.
Unohana: I know you will, Kurosaki-san. You are strong, and a great asset to the Gotei 13.
Unohana: (thinks to herself) I hope our gambit works...
Ichigo: But...Byakuya said-
Unohana: He thinks very well of you, he is just still very proud. Do not despise him, Kurosaki-san.
Ichigo: Okay...well, we are almost there.
Unohana: (thinks to herself) (eyes shaded and narrowed) It is too bad that it has to come to this...ryoka.
Ichigo: Is something the matter?
Unohana: Nothing, Kurosaki-san.
Ichigo: Okay.
They arrive at the other end of the gate.
Ichigo: !
Unohana: Is something wrong?
Ichigo: fighting each other.
(scenes juxtaposing what each captain and vizard sees, with what is really happening.)
Unohana: you see why you must defeat Aizen. Do you see him?
Ichigo: Yes...
Unohana: You are the strongest of us. If anyone can defeat him, and save your friends, it is you.
Ichigo: Right!
Unohana: (thinks to herself) Farewell, ryoka...I will not see you again.
by: blackstrawberry
We are back to where we are left off from.
Yammy: *groans in pain* You goddamn insects!!! Damn! Damn! I will obliterate you all!!! *Yammy uses his special power by using circular shaped balls that are sticking over his arms*
Kenpachi: !!!
Byakuya: !!!
Mayuri & Nemu: .........
The scene shifts to Ichigo & Unohana.
*Unohana tries to restore Ichigo's reiatsu, but fails to do so.*
Ichigo: Unohana-san, is something wrong?
Unohana: Nothing Kurosaki-kun.... *thinks: His spirit energy shouldn't be fully restored, but why doesn't my healing kidos seem to have any effect on his spirit energy? It feels as though something is taking away/preventing Kurosaki-kun's spirit energy to fully recover....*
Ichigo: We are almost at the end..
*Ichigo passes through garganta, and reaches KT, but is shocked*
Ichigo: *Ichigo finds Shinji being stabbed by Aizen* Shinji!!!
Aizen: Why, hello ryoka, or should I say...substitue shinigami. I am afraid, you are a little too late.
Ichigo: *frowns* Sousuke.....Aizen!!!!
____________________________________________________________Yammy: *groans in pain* You goddamn insects!!! Damn! Damn! I will obliterate you all!!! *Yammy uses his special power by using circular shaped balls that are sticking over his arms*
Kenpachi: !!!
Byakuya: !!!
Mayuri & Nemu: .........
The scene shifts to Ichigo & Unohana.
*Unohana tries to restore Ichigo's reiatsu, but fails to do so.*
Ichigo: Unohana-san, is something wrong?
Unohana: Nothing Kurosaki-kun.... *thinks: His spirit energy shouldn't be fully restored, but why doesn't my healing kidos seem to have any effect on his spirit energy? It feels as though something is taking away/preventing Kurosaki-kun's spirit energy to fully recover....*
Ichigo: We are almost at the end..
*Ichigo passes through garganta, and reaches KT, but is shocked*
Ichigo: *Ichigo finds Shinji being stabbed by Aizen* Shinji!!!
Aizen: Why, hello ryoka, or should I say...substitue shinigami. I am afraid, you are a little too late.
Ichigo: *frowns* Sousuke.....Aizen!!!!
Bleach 382: The United Front (Discordeque Mix)
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Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

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Bleach 383 Predictions are up!

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