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by: NF
In the Dangai, as if in meditation, Ichigo is conversing with his sword. Then suddenly, from the back, Isshin looks like he attacks, but Ichigo parries him off.
It's because I have to parry, that I can't get into the heart of the sword. I can't talk to him, he yells.
How can I stay calm like this, I don't know how. I don't know if I can't try again, says Ichigo.
Then it flashbacks a little to "I'll be able to teach you here" and continues from there.
And then, Isshin explains.
In the Dangai, space is multiplied and overlaps, that the streams of time flow around it.
In short, inside the Dangai, the density of time compared to outside is overwhelmingly high. If he had to use a number, it would be 2000-fold.
In the olden times, a pathway through the Dangai to the real world would be like going through a penal colony.
If you got caught by currents, it was certain death, if you were chased by the Koutotsu, time twists so that you end up straying far from the real time.
It's just like the first time Ichigo and his friends went into SS, where they miscalculated the number of days.
That's why, with the Koutotsu gone, the Dangai is a favorable training place. They can have up to 2000 hours of training while not an hour would've passed outside.
SS forbids the sealing of the Koutotsu, but they had the means to stop the seizing currents.
Then, 4 things like throwing knives (each with a rope attached, and then something like a bracelet, ) from the seizing current drives through a chest.
Showing off such a bracelet on his own wrist, Isshin continues explaining.
This is the set boundary of the world, originally it would take but ten of the shinigami to for a special method to halt the seizing current, but it's possible for only one to do so, I can use up all my reiatsu to shut down the seizing current, then end up weakened for about 3 months before I can be asked to do it again.
Ask you to do what? retorts Ichigo. Yeah, the truth of your sword's final form of Getsuga Tenshou! Then the flashback ends.
Isshin is still explaining to a meditating Ichigo.
The form of this meditation is "the dialogue with the sword", which has taken thousand of years being refined by SS.
Up til now, your technique at it is pretty much useless.
Before this, you'll have no choice but to walk the same path that thousands before you have already done.
Inside Karakura in SS.
Keigo's been running around the people fallen by the streets, the street signals and cars are all stopped. He shouts and cries, looking for anyone who could hear him, until something hits him.
What hits him is Tatsuki. He's happy, but the usual High tensioned Keigo gets told to shut up by Tatsuki.
Tatsuki carries the fainted Chizuru and (Ogawa?) to school.
On the way, Tatsuki tells Keigo about what she knew.
I knew it! Ichigo was involved?, says Keigo in confirmation. Who else was involved? He asks.
Well, it's probably Ichigo's fault, somehow it involves Ichigo... well, he's that guy.. continues Tatsuki.
Aizen and Gin enters the town. SS is unsuitable to such scenery, says Aizen as they look it over.
The meditation looks like a success, so Ichigo enters Zangetsu's world. Be careful, this Zangetsu will be violent... warns Isshin. TO be continued.
Ichigo is learning the final GT, in order to do that it seems that he needs to start meditate to enter his soul, it looks like he is starting to speak to Zangetsu.
His dad explains that in the world where they are time flows 2000 times slower, and if Ichigo trains here for 2000 hours only 1 hour will pass in SS. This is why there was a time jump when he first entered SS. Also, something about SS trying to 'fix' how the time flows in this place.
Keigo is in KT, finds Tatsuki (don't remember how to spell it), they see their classmates and everyone asleep, they wonder if Ichigo has something to do with it.
Aizen and Gin seem to still be at the gates.
Next chapter is Ichigo talking to Zangetsu...
Status: SPOOF
by: Onayako
Bleach 408: Spoof Prediction
Keigo stands up slowly.
Keigo: What's wrong with everyone. Why's everyone asleep? *He starts wandering around the town* I wonder what happened. WOAAAAAAH, THAT IS.....* He sees a hot chick with a mini skirt sleeping on the floor. * Come to think of it, everyone is wierdly sleeping in the middle of the day and there's this hot chick. Yes that is it, THIS MUST BE A DREAM!!! Now, now relax Keigo Asano. This is just a dream but then again, DAMN THIS IS SO REAL. I will kiss this lady and she'll wake up. And as a reward of freeing her from this eternal sleep curse, *Some naughty thoughts lol* EHEHE, HEHEHEHEHEHE!
Keigo closes his eyes, gulps and when he is about to kiss the chick...
Gin: Heeee, this is rather an interesting scene right, Aizen Taicho?
Aizen: Indeed.
Kiego: Huh?! Who the hell are you. Or are you... are you the bad guys I have to defeat before waking up the princess?!
Aizen: I guess he is an idiot.
Gin: A pervert as well.
Keigo: I don't know who you are but calling me and idiot and pervert...Now you've done it. BRING IT ON WOOOAAAAAA! Kiego charges Aizen but Aizen easily grabs him by the neck.
Aizen: If you are awake that means you are not an ordinary human. Let me do you a favor. It is better for you not to witness as I eradicate Karakura Town with it's inhabitants as well. So I'll finish you right here.
Gin: Aizen Taicho, you are so considerate.
Aizen: I am a merciful god after all.
Keigo: What kind of dream is that?! This is where I supposed to... *More naughty thoughts lol* Somebody wake me up. Save meee, Ichigooooo!
A Voice: Eradicate Karakura Town you say? HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!
Aizen: And you are?
Don Kan'onji: SPIRITS ARE ALWAYS BE WITH YOUUUUUU, BOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! I am mighty Don Kan'onji-sama. And I will stop you!
Aizen: It's always like this, one after the another. Give it your best shot, I'm curious what a mere human can do.
Don Kan'onji: You'll regret after I'm done. Take this. Ultimate Attack: GOLDEN KAN'ONBALL!
A tiny energy sphere forms at the palm of Kan'onji's then he shoots. As his attack slowly fly towards Aizen, Senkaimon opens.
Ichigo: What the hell is going on here. Keigo, Kan'onji. Get away from that guy, he is dangerous!
Aizen: So you've come again Kurosaki Ichigo. The look in your eyes has changed. So you think you can win against me now?
Ichigo: Yea, I do.
Flashback scene:
Ichigo: Final Getsuga Tensho!?
Isshin: Yeah, a Getsuga Tensho that is in a different level than the ones you have already used.
Ichigo: So, what must I do?
Isshin: Listen me closely Ichigo. You already know how to use Getsuga Tensho so I won't review the basics.
Ichigo: I know, I know! GET TO THE POINT!
Isshin: SHUT UP, LISTEN WELL WHEN YOUR FATHER IS TALKING TO YOU! Anyway, to use final Getsuga Tensho you must...
Ichigo: I must?
Isshin: You must...
Ichigo: I must?
Isshin: You must...
Isshin: SHUT UP!...You must say "Final Getsuga Tensho" before you shoot Getsuga Tensho.
Ichigo: Wai...Wait a minute. Is that all? All I have to do is say "Final Getsuga Tensho" it will be done?! Don't make fun of me you bastard!
Isshin hits Ichigo's head and says: Idiot...Didn't your zanpakuto teach you knowing the name of the attack makes difference?!
Ichigo: OH, I SEE!
End of the flashback
Ichigo: Let's settle this once and for all Aizen!
Aizen: Come at me, Kurosaki Ichigo.
When Ichigo is about to perform his new move, Don Kan'onji's attack finally reached Aizen and hit the Hougyoku. HOUGYOKU SHATTERS!
Ichigo: Ten....
Aizen: You bastard! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
Ryuken: Probably it was Don Kan'onji's unique reiatsu that has a special power against Hougyoku.
Isshin: And when all those people were in a pinch, you've done nothing but to watch?
Ryuken: I told you, Quincies doesn't earn much nowadays.
Isshin: Hehehe, Capitalist as always.
Ichigo: But what about my new move?! Hey Keigo, wanna see my new move?
Keigo: As expected from Don Kan'onji-sama. Here, sign please. *He totally ignores Ichigo lol*
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