- Height: 169 cm = 5'6½"
- Measurements (B-W-H): 95-55-85 cm = 37-21-33"
- Chest: To be continued
- Shiawase Punch (幸せパンチ(しあわせ), Happiness Punch): a "technique" that Nami uses to dispatch Peeping Toms while she bathes; she simply drops her towel, causing any male in the vicinity to collapse from a massive nosebleed. She also uses this as a get-rich-quick scheme, as she charges 100,000 to anyone who sees her doing this. This is called Happiness Punch in the FUNimation dub.
- Impact (衝撃貝 (インパクト)): Nami uses an Impact Dial to absorb attacks and then send them back at her opponents. This was shown only when she finished off Hotori with Gan Fall. Sadly though, she is not yet strong enough to do this technique without causing serious damage to her arm and great pain, which is perhaps why she hasn't used it more often. This is called Impact in the FUNimation dub.
- Nami appeared in a Shonen Jump special, where Enel attacks Tokyo and Odaiba.
- Nami and other characters also appeared in Cross Epoch.
- Nami has appeared in the games Jump Super Stars and Jump Ultimate Stars for the DS. She also appeared in Battle Stadium D.O.N on the GameCube and PlayStation 2.
Nami is a young, somewhat tall girl with a slim build, and originally had short hair. She was the first main character to appear in Episode 1 before Luffy. Many people consider her to be very good looking or even beautiful. She has a blue tattoo (black in the manga) on her left shoulder which represents mikan and pinwheels (a homage to Bellemere and Genzo, respectively), where she used to have a tattoo for being a member of Arlong's Crew. Near the beginning of the series, Nami wears a variety of clothing in the series but her longest lasting is her white and blue striped shirt, an orange mini-skirt and orange high-heeled sandals. She retains this look until the end of the Captain Kuro Arc, afterward she is seen wearing a different outfit for each arc. Nami wore thick, low cut leather boots and a simple blouse. However, during the Arlong Arc and thereafter, Nami wore strappy, heeled sandals and more revealing outfits (With the tattoo no longer being a secret). Nami wore a blue bikini and high heel sandals for the skypiea arc and then she changed to black high heel gladiator sandals during the Enies Lobby arc. During Thriller Bark, She wore a wedding dress and white high heel pumps with her dress. She seemed to have abandoned the sandals for high-heeled boots as of Chapter 435 but she started using sandals again in the end of Thriller Bark arc. She usually pairs her tops with skirts with rings on them. Her overall physique matured suddenly (though this is, most likely, a simple change in style of artwork). Her fashion frequently changes as well as her hair style. Many of her shirts feature four-letter words, such as "MODE", "GOLD", or "EVIL", similar to a shirt that Bellemere once wore that had "MACE" on it. On her left arm, there's the Log Pose, for being the navigator of the ship, and a yellow round bracelet, given by her sister Nojiko.In SBS Volume 6, Oda said, according to Sanji, her measurements were 86-57-86cm = 34-22-34". The author has also replied to a fan's question saying that right now Nami's measurements are as follows:
After the 2 year time-skip, Nami's hair has grown rather long, reaching down to her lower back. Her breasts have also grown larger, but apart from this her appearance has not changed much, save the fact that both her curves and hour-glass figure became more pronounced. She also appears to have gotten taller, as she appears to be just slightly shorter than Robin now. Her outfit after the timeskip consists of a revealing green and white bikini halter top, low-rider jeans (that exposes much of her hips), and high heel sandals.
Nami as a child.
Nami's current Wanted Poster.
Nami with her original tattoo.
Nami showing her tattoo on her left shoulder.
Nami's outfit in One Piece: Unlimited Adventure.
Nami's outfit in One Piece: Unlimited Cruise.
Nami's outfit during the Davy Back Fight.
Nami's outfit at Water 7.
Nami's formal outfit in One Piece Film: Strong World.
Nami's outfit at Sabaody Archipelago
Nami after the time skip.
Along with Nico Robin, Nami is one of the smartest of the Straw Hats and the third smartest character in East Blue according to Oda, the first being Benn Beckman of the Red Hair Pirates and the 2nd being Captain Kuro. At the beginning of the series, Nami despised all pirates. She viewed them as nothing but bad people after losing someone close to her, only changing her mind after she met Luffy. Before her view changed on pirates, she was perfectly fine with giving Luffy up captive to Buggy, as she could not bring herself to stoop to their level. She also dismissed the Devil Fruits as myths until she saw Buggy's Bara Bara no Mi in action.Nami's money eyes. |
Nami is very bossy and is usually ordering everyone around, including Luffy, despite not even being the captain herself. Nami's main concern when she is in trouble is herself first and usually has other members do her fighting, resulting in her fighting in fewer fights. She is a coward, though not on the same level as Usopp, her cowardice has more to do with survival. She is aware of dangers they face every day and has a much better understanding of the world and its more dangerous individuals(e.g. the Shichibukai) than most of her crew, though lacks Robin's knowledge on some of its other powerful figures (e.g. the marine Admirals). She can be devilish at times and won't think twice about ditching the others to save her own life. She has been known to stand her ground against anyone hurting her comrades, abandoning her otherwise normal routine of trying to stay out of harm's way. The best example came from her survival of Enel 's game which left her as the only fighter standing besides him, she agreed to board his ship and go to his promised land out of fear after seeing all the strong fighters lose the game, but later after hearing his plans that would forsaken the sky island, she soon turns on him. After the time skip Nami seems less violent, such as when Luffy and Zoro nearly broke the coating on the ship it was Usopp and Chopper who scolded them for their reckless behaviour and not Nami.
However, in return for her lesser sympathetic personality traits, she is also one of the more compassionate crew members who is fast to show sympathy when hearing sad things about other people, and as she showed during the incident with Hatchan, she is willing to forgive even people who have hurt her for many years. She is easily one of the Straw Hat's most emotional members, she cries easily and she shows much understanding of and insight into feelings. This often makes her good to comfort her friends (though she has also done the opposite to comically effect), but she is rather bad maker of decisions when it comes to objective choices; as shown during the crew's discussion in about whether Usopp should return or not, she insisted subjectively that Usopp should return. Nami also has an obsession with fashion, as she is never seen wearing the same clothes. This was not present in the early chapters and started after the Captain Kuro arc. When Nami goes shopping, she sometimes goes to exquisite boutiques and tries on stuff, just to leave stating that she is searching for something more casual. She doesn't seem to have much modesty as she sometimes wears rather skimpy clothing and allows people to take photos of her wearing very little, such as swimsuits (as long as they pay).
“ | No! Nami's going to be our navigator... and nobody else!!! | ” |
— Luffy's reaction to retrieving Nami. |
The first time Sanji meets Nami. |
She soon came to respect Luffy's qualities as a leader, but often gets angry at his irrational thinking and short attention span. In such situations, she sometimes tends to get into violent outbreaks, often ordering him and the other members as well despite him being the captain. Her sudden violent outbreaks may also be caused by traits of other crew members such as Roronoa Zoro's sleeping. Despite this, she cares for and trusts Luffy very much as her captain, and he often serves as an emotional anchor for her during times of crisis. In fact, she cried for Luffy when he lost his older brother in the Whitebeard War. Overall, she appears to be one of the crew members that respects Luffy the most, often saying "Luffy and the Crew" when she is in danger.
She also often takes advantage of Sanji with his devotion to her, ordering him to do her bidding. She also uses Usopp to maintain her weapons (and wriggling out of paying him for his service). However, upon them reuniting after two years apart she hugged him, complimenting on how he has grown. Nami occasionally gets irritated with Franky (such as when he calls her "girlie"), but still trusts him. She also gets really irritated with Brook when he constantly asks her if he could see her panties.
Nami gets along best with Robin, who is the only one she does not attempt to boss around or deceive. She often refers to her as "onee-sama" or "Robin-nee-san", both commonly used for older sisters, and often spends time with her. When Nami goes shopping, she is often accompanied by a smiling Robin. She is very fond of Chopper, too and is the first of the crew to recognize him as a doctor.
Even though Nami is only the navigator, the rest of the crew, including the captain, follow her orders without question while on the ship, since they trust her instincts, knowing that she will steer them away from danger, and towards their next location. The only one who tends to disagree with her is Luffy, when he wants to do something like go to Skypiea, or tame a Kraken, but this is very rare.
Back home, Genzo acted as a father figure to both Nami and Nojiko. He was shown very concerned about Nami's pose on her bounty attracting more perverts than bounty hunters, although he had an enlarged picture of it himself. Amusing considering the fact that he is more concerned about her picture than Nami being wanted. The rest of the village still adores her. Even when she joined the Arlong Pirates without telling them her reason for the desire to become independent, they refused to believe that she would truly betray them, and supported her in secret.Nami also shared a close relationship with Vivi, to the point of an almost sisterly bond. Like the rest of the crew, she was deeply upset about her leaving.
She also made a good friend of Lola the zombie warthog, to the point where she even help set Lola and Absalom up for marriage. Their friendship transcended over into the real Lola when Thriller Bark was taken down. Lola had a strange feeling she already knew Nami from somewhere else despite never meeting her before, Nami was just happy to see her friend. To date, Lola has been the only person Nami has willingly handed some of her treasure over to. Lola now regards Nami as a sister, to ensure her and her friends were safe she gave Nami half of her Vivre Card for her mother.
After Nami was 'sent' to the Sky Island of Weatheria, she quickly discovered by an old wizard like man named Haredas. Haredas tried cheering Nami up and remained friendly with her, even after she hit him. Nami respects Haredas and his knowledge over the weather, though she gets quickly annoyed with him in the same way she does with her crew. After Nami was imprisoned for trying to steal some of Weatheria's technology, Haredas was the one who bailed her out. Even though she earned the distrust of the other weather scientists, Haredas still accepted her. He took Nami under his wing for two years and taught her about weather and their technology. Apparently, during her two-year stay in Weatheria, Nami develped good relationships with the all the weather scientists as they not only allowed her to have some of their equipment but also helped Nami and her crew escaped Sabaody Archipelago.
Nami is an enemy to the Marines, as she carries a bounty on her head. Arlong and his pirates were her enemies for a long time; despite Arlong taking her into his crew she showed no love for them due to what they did to her village and for killing Bellemere. Arlong had fought Luffy claiming that she was his crewmate in his fight, even admitting she was "cute" for a human and admitted he had no respect for humans yet she was one of about 2 humans he was seen to show respect for, the other being Nezumi. She has stated that she has not forgiven Hatchan for what he did as part of the Arlong Pirates, but after seeing him get shot trying to hold Luffy back and hearing him say that he had hoped to do what he could to make up for what he had done, becomes concerned about his well-being and seemingly forgives him.Family
She has comes to terms with the idea that Bellemere was her mother. In life she never saw eye to eye with her adoptive mother at times, in death Nami deeply missed her due to the fact she knew Bellemere deeply loved her despite everything. Nami is seen drawing a picture of her after being forced into Arlong's crew, and sadly calling out her name in a moment of misery. She regularly visited her grave on the cliff top where she was buried and often thought about her. Also in her room she keeps a picture of Bellemere with a young Nami and Nojiko on her desk.Nojiko
Nami values Nojiko as the only person who loved and supported her through her years of stealing to buy the village. Though not related by blood, she supports Nami like a real sister. When Nami received her tattoo for being on Arlong's crew, Nojiko responded by getting her own tattoo to match Nami. When Nami removed Arlong's tattoo, she replaced it with her current one so she still matched her sister.Other
As an orphan, Nami may have other family. However considering the circumstances behind her origins with Bellemere and Nojiko and the fact that Bellemere found both girls in a war zone, it seems unlikely her familial origin will ever be touched upon.Abilities and Powers
“ | It's not hard for a Fishman to research about navigation but we can't find a good navigator. I have sought navigators throughout the world but no one draws a map as accurate as her. She is very talented. | ” |
— Arlong on Nami's skills. |
Throughout most of the series up to the Water 7 arc, Nami was not as skilled in combat as most of her crew; she does not have superhuman strength, nor does she have formal training in any fighting style, although she was shown in the Water 7 arc to have decent agility, being able to jump over a gate and between rooftops. As a result, she remained a supporting member of the crew rather than a main fighter. Before acquiring the Clima-Tact and its upgrades, she possessed moderate skill with a Bo staff she used for self-defense. However, she was often outmatched by the monstrous foes they met at sea, and typically manipulated one of her crewmates to fight in her place or fled when the situation turned dangerous. With the Clima-Tact, this habit slowly began to disappear.
Though she doesn't have great physical strentgh, she is usually the one to give the more immature members of the crew lumps, with enough force to hurt even Luffy, especially when they do something stupid. It is suggested that after two years, her strength has greatly increased, since before the time-skip when she kicked Brook it just toppled him, but after reuniting with the crew, her kick sent him flying across the deck of the Sunny.
Nami using her Perfect Clima Tact. |
Nami relied on a standard wooden staff throughout the East Blue saga and kept it until the Arabasta arc. During that arc, Usopp invented her a weapon called the "Clima-Tact". Although the Clima-Tact initially seemed like a useless tool, Nami managed to unlock its potential and fight a major battle in a nonsupporting role, earning her first victory by defeating Miss Doublefinger. However, despite her improved fighting potential, she still stuck to the old tactics she employed before the Arabasta arc, sending in her crewmates when she sensed danger and/or running away.Some time before or during the the Water 7 arc, Usopp improved the Clima-Tact with Dials, creating the "Perfect Clima-Tact". This new weapon was powerful enough to wipe out an entire group of Marines, and was effective enough to help Nami defeat CP9's Kalifa. Following the Straw Hat's battle with CP9 at Enies Lobby, Nami has been engaging in combat more actively, and is shown confidently brandishing her Perfect Clima-Tact at any sign of confrontation. By earning a bounty, Nami has proven herself to be more than a navigator, and with her Perfect Clima-Tact, she has grown to become a legitimate fighting pirate in the Straw Hat crew.
After the time-skip, her Clima-Tact was greatly enhanced, being able to easily destroy a bar with a lightning blast that can be compared to an attack by Enel.
Other Techniques
Though infrequent, Nami has a couple of other moves that she can use to incapacitate (in more ways than one) her opponents.History
A Map of the World: A Tragic Past and a Broken Dream
Bellemere protecting the girls from Arlong. |
As a child, Nami developed a love for drawing maps and navigation, and the dream to draw a complete map of the world. However, Bellemere's tangerine trees provided only meager means of support and they were unable afford anything other than the bare necessities. As a result, Nami could not afford the navigation books, leading her to often steal them from the village bookshop. One day, Bellemere scolded Nami when she got caught stealing; however, she applauded Nami's first drawing of the island as the first step of her dream to map the world and put faith into Nami that she really could do it.
In one year, in which the price of tangerines fell due to a large supply, Bellemere had to eat only tangerines and give most of the food to Nami and Nojiko, but did not let on how bad the situation was to Nojiko and Nami. One day, Nami was given one of Nojiko's dresses by Bellemere (who simply turned the sunflower on it into a lion) and Nami was offended. Nami wanted her own clothes not Nojiko's hand-me-downs. During the argument, Nami said she did not consider Nojiko a real sister, causing Bellemere to slap her. Nami then ran off, saying that she wished she were adopted by rich people. Bellemere is greatly touched, and she decided to spare some money and prepare Nami's favorite meal even though it would break her budget. She sent Nojiko to fetch Nami while she prepared the meal.
Just at this time, the infamous Fishman Pirate Arlong who took over Commi Island came upon Cocoyashi, their adopted hometown and imposed a fee on every single adult and child in the village in order to 'live'. Since Bellemere could not pay for her entire family's monthly fee for living, she was used as an example by Arlong to demonstrate to the townspeople what will happen to them if they ever go against him or fail to pay the fee. Bellemere is then brutally murdered by a shot from Arlong in front of Nami and Nojiko. Nami was then kidnapped and forced to become a cartographer for Arlong after he noticed the quality of her maps at such a young age. However, Arlong struck a deal with Nami: if she brought him
East Blue Saga
Buggy the Clown
Nami stealing Buggy´s parts. |
The Man in the Chest
The first part of this arc sees the group land on a mysterious island inhabited by strange creatures. After passing the "Test" of the forest, the Straw Hat Pirates (now comprising Luffy, Zoro, and Nami) meet Gaimon, a pirate stuck inside a treasure chest that was marooned by his crew. The four become friends and Luffy agrees to help Gaimon get down the treasure he has been guarding on top of the rock. When Luffy refuses to throw down the treasure chests, Gaimon realizes that the chests on the rock are the same as the island’s other treasure chests which are empty. Seeing Gaimon’s disappointment, Luffy offers to take him off the island. Gaimon decides to remain on the island and protect the island’s rare animals which he has befriended. With that, The Straw Hats bid Gaimon goodbye and continue on.Duel with Captain Kuro
The Straw Hat Pirates arrive in Syrup Village where we meet Usopp. Usopp entertains notions of grandeur by commanding the Usopp Pirates (composed of Usopp and three loyal village children). Once the children run in fear, the three and Usopp share a meal, which Usopp leaves early. Nami lectures Zoro and Luffy on not eating the fish bones, to which the Usopp pirates mistake the three for cannibals, to Nami's annoyance.The boys tell them Usopp's wealthy friend Kaya is bedridden, but is well-provided for by her two butlers Merry and Kurahadol. Luffy believes Kaya would be able to give them a boat, so they move forward to visit her. The group is sent flying into the backyard (by Luffy) only to intrude on an argument between Usopp and Kurahadol, who insults Usopp's father, and forces the group away from the house. While Usopp and Luffy bond, Nami and Zoro and the boys come across the moon-walking hypnotist Jango
After Usopp runs past them hysterically screaming that Kurahadol is a pirate, they go in search for Luffy. Luffy confirms that Kurahadol is actually Captain Kuro, who plans on killing Kaya and getting all her money. Usopp returns but tells the boys that it was just a lie, as they leave disappointed at Usopp lying to hurt people not entertain.
The Straw Hats gain a great deal of respect for Usopp for tricking the boys to protect their well being, and his planning to take on an entire pirate crew and agree to help him (so long as Nami got the treasure). Usopp planned to have an oil slip to stop the pirates, to which he could snipe them with ease. However the four are on the wrong side of the island. Nami falls into the oil slick but manages to switch spots with Zoro and runs off to fight. Luffy became lost on his dash, caused for Usopp and Nami to initially fight the pirates alone.
Just before the two are killed, Zoro and Luffy arrive and fight Kuro's crew. Jango hypnotizes the crew to increase their strength but accidentally hypnotizes Luffy and Jango is forced to hypnotize Luffy to sleep again but accidentally causes the crew to be knocked out by the ship's stem post which Luffy was holding onto when he fell asleep. Meanwhile Jango summons the ship's guards the Meowban brothers, Buchi and Sham who fight against Zoro. Disarmed of all but one sword, Zoro must fight an uphill battle against the team-work of Buichi and Sham which is difficult without all three swords and Zoro prevents Usopp from helping him by taking a hit from his Lead Star to keep him from getting dragged into the fight. Kuro then appears disgusted by how Black Cat pirates are getting beaten by children and gives the Meowban brothers five minutes before he kills everyone.
Nami is able to kick Zoro's swords back to him, allowing him to defeat the Meowban brothers, but Buchi survives and is hypnotized by Jango which injures Zoro faster. Nami goes to wake Luffy up, and Jango tries to stop her with his Chakram, but at the last second Nami steps on Luffy's face that gets him up in time to stop the Chakram with his rubbery body.
The battle of Luffy against Kuro, Zoro against Buchi and a latter combination of Zoro and Usopp against Jango comes to an end while Nami remains off screen robbing the Black Cat Pirates of all their treasure.
Usopp decides that news of a real pirate attack might be too upsetting for the villagers and would affect their peace of mind since pirates don't normally come to an out of the way village. So he orders everyone to keep it a secret, which Kaya and his crew agree with. Kaya, is grateful to the Straw Hat Pirates, and gives them her ship, the Going Merry (or the Merry Go in the English dub). Usopp is grateful to them as well, and now has the confidence to disband his pirate crew and strike out on his own to be a real pirate. Usopp says goodbye to the straw hat crew, who become confused and tell him to stop and get on their boat with them and that he is part of their crew.
Betrayal at the Baratie
The crew meets Johnny and Yosaku, Zoro's former bounty hunter companions, and they set sail for the Baratie restaurant in search of a cook. Luffy begins his job as a waiter to pay for the damage he did to the Baratie for Zeff, and tries to convince Sanji to join his crew. Nami, Zoro and Usopp pay him a visit while he works off his debt. After only first glance Sanji declares love for Nami, to which he gives her fancy food and she manipulates him into getting it for free. Back on the Going Merry, Johnny and Yosaku drops a pile of wanted posters; one of which Nami picks up and looks at intently, the poster of Arlong. While Johnny and Yosaku guard the boat, she asks them to turn away while she changes her top, and then pushes them off Merry. She then takes off alone with the Going Merry declaring that she was a thief who stole from pirates.The Witch of Cocoyashi: Nami's True Intentions
Nami arrives at Arlong Park on Commi Island in the Merry. A boy confronts her, trying to fight Arlong for the death of his father. Nami slaps him however and gives some Beli to make him to go away. Zoro is brought to Arlong Park where he finds out Nami's allegiance to Arlong. After some banter, Arlong proudly states that Nami is the type of person who would betray even her own family for the sake of riches, which visibly disturbs Nami, trying to test her allegiance. Zoro throws himself into the water to test Nami. Nami saves Zoro but beats him to reassure Arlong. While in prison, Nami cuts Zoro's bonds to help him escape.Arlong heads to Cocoyashi Village, where he confronts Genzo, the village sheriff, for simply owning a weapon. It's here that Nojiko, Nami's sister, reveals to Usopp about the monthly fee the villagers have to pay Arlong in order to survive. Just as Arlong is about to kill Genzo, Usopp saves him, and runs as some of the Fishmen come after him while the others drag Arlong off before he goes berserk. Nami arrives sometime later, but the villagers treat her coldly and leave save for Nojiko and Genzo. Nami reveals to Nojiko that she enjoyed being part of the Strawhat crew, even for a short time. The three later visit the grave site of Nami's adoptive mother, Bellemere, where Nami reveals she's almost finished paying Arlong's fee to buy back Cocoyashi.
The Fishmen capture Usopp and threaten to kill him. Usopp asks for Nami for help, making the Fishmen suspicious. Nami intercepts and announces that she will kill Usopp herself. Nami stabs her hand and kicks Usopp into the ocean to escape, while convincing Arlong and the Fishmen that she had killed him and is indeed one of them while from afar Johnny looks on in horror. Luffy, Sanji, and Yosaku finally arrives and Johnny finds them and tells the group what he thought had happened to Usopp. Nami soon meets them and reminds Luffy that she just partnered up with him for the treasure. She then tells the group to take their ship back and get off the island but Luffy refuses, causing Nami to angrily walk away. Usopp comes across Luffy and the others and tells of what really happened. Nojiko finds the four and agrees to tell them the true reason behind Nami's motives. Though Luffy and Zoro don't heard it, Sanji and Usopp (as well as an eavesdropping Johnny and Yosaku) listen to the story of Nami's past.
Marines led by a captain named Nezumi land on the island and is revealed to have been long bribed by Arlong to ignore his actions on Commi Island. Nezumi has Genzo take him to Nami's home, where he accuses Nami of harboring illegal money. Nami tries to stop them, but the Marines find the treasure Nami had been collecting since being kidnapped by Arlong,
Luffy stopping Nami from stabbing herself. |
“ | I don't care about how powerful your Fishman species is. I don't care how important the map is. I don't care all about that stuff. But I finally know how to help her. I can't allow this room to exist. This is the room she never wanted to stay in. I will destroy all of it! | ” |
— Luffy's reactions to Arlong's words about Nami's room |
Nami's village is freed, and she rejoins the crew as a permanent member. In her way out of the village, Nami wished to say goodbye to no one. She left the entire treasure taken back from Nezumi in Nojiko's house for the village, and runs onto the Going Merry after stealing all of the villagers' wallets. This causes certain opinions for Nami to spring up, like Sanji cheering on Nami, Zoro saying that Nami might betray them again, Usopp saying that she hasn't changed, and Luffy laughing.
Arrival at Loguetown
The crew arrives at the last large town before the entrance to the Grand Line--Loguetown, the place where Gold Roger was both born and executed, where they stock up on supplies and sight see. Miraculously saved from death by an unnatural green gust and a lightning bolt to Buggy, the Straw Hats rush out of Loguetown. Nami and Usopp arrives at the ship and find Mohji, Buggy's crewmate was planning to burn their ship. They easily defeated them but as Marines got at the bay. Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji arrive and get aboard.Baroque Works Saga
Traversing Reverse Mountain and Meeting Laboon
The Straws Hats arriving at Reverse Mountain through the storm after fleeing Loguetown. They are nearly blown off course and into the Calm Belt but eventually reach the entrance of Reverse Mountain and manage to climb its uphill rapids despite some tricky close calls thanks to Nami's navigation. As they come down, they hear a noise and notice something is blocking their path. They identify the blockage as a huge whale which is threatening to crush the Going Merry. Luffy manages to keep the ship from crashing into it, but seeing the bow broken off enrages Luffy and he attacks the whale. The whale swallows the Going Merry and her crew, except for Luffy who manages to escape onto the whale's back. Inside, the remaining Straw Hats suddenly find themselves in what looks like an outside setting with a house in the middle of the water where they meet an old man named Crocus, who revealed that the strange setting is in fact the whale's stomach. They later reunite with Luffy and two people inside known only as Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday, who apparently are plotting to kill the whale. Crocus reveals that the whale's name is Laboon and that he is trying to ram into the mountain. Crocus begins to explain to the Straw Hats why the whale is covered with scars continually rams the mountain.Crocus explains to the Straw Hats about how a regular compass will not work past Reverse Mountain and that they need a Log Pose if they want to travel the Grand Line. Crocus explains how the Log Pose works and mentions the final destination of the Grand Line, Raftel, where One Piece may lay as the only person to reach there was Gold Roger. Luffy reveals a Log Pose he found after they dumped the Mr. 9 pair but it is broken so Crocus loans them his. The Mr. 9 pair spies on the group from afar until they are knocked into the ocean by The Unluckies for failing their mission to kill Laboon. They reacquaint themselves with the Straw Hats again and beg them to take the two to their hometown, Whiskey Peak, to which Luffy agrees. With that they bid Crocus and Laboon farewell and set off.
Pirate-Loving Town of Whiskey Peak
Nami enters a drinking contest with the locals. |
When Luffy starts a fight with Zoro due to a misunderstanding she breaks up the fight. Vivi then explains Baroque Works further to Nami, Luffy and Zoro and unwittingly revealed that Mr. 0 is, in fact, the Shichibukai Crocodile. This is witnessed by Mr. 13 and Miss Friday making the Straw hats targets for Baroque Works since no-one must know the true identity of a Baroque Works agent, especially the leader. Igaram dresses up like Vivi and leaves the island intending to act as a decoy but his ploy fails and his ship is destroyed by Ms. All Sunday (whose real name is later revealed to be Nico Robin). She confronts the Straw Hats on their ship and gives them an Eternal Pose to the Island of Nothing, an island near Arabasta where no Baroque Works Agents would find them, only for Luffy to destroy it, stating that she (Ms. All Sunday) wasn't deciding the course they were taking. Ms. All Sunday states that she has no problem with a great spirit like Luffy's and quickly leaves the Going Merry on her turtle, shortly after the Straw Hats leave Whiskey Peak.
A Duel Disrupted in Little Garden
Nami trapped in Mr 3's wax. |
Back at Dorry's campsite, Dorry explains that Brogy and he are forever destined to continue their 100 year long war, which was started over a reason Dorry had long forgotten (it is later revealed that a quarrel about their hunting competition which resulted in their exile from Elbaf). Nami states that such a battle is pointless while Usopp disagrees and speaks of honor and then wishes to visit Elbaf and be a man like them. When Dorry and Brogy are just about to continue their bout, Dorry suffers from an internal explosion from his intake of the Straw Hats' wine, and Nami takes this opportunity to leave.
Nami and Zoro fall for Mr. 3's wax sculptures of their different crew mates and are captured, while the Mr. 5 team personally captures Vivi. Mr. 3 and Miss Goldenweek imprison Nami, Vivi, and Zoro in a trap which slowly turns them into wax sculptures. A battle breaks out where Luffy, Usopp, and Carue have to battle both the Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 teams to save their friends. When Usopp's plan succeeded in setting Nami free from her wax prison, her shirt is burned off, leaving her in just her bra and skirt (much to Sanji's enjoyment when he arrived shortly afterwards) who joined Vivi in knocking out Miss Valentine. It was later revealed by Dr. Kureha, that while Nami's navel was exposed, a prehistoric insect bit her, resulting in Nami catching a deadly disease.
Adventure in a Doctorless Kingdom
Nami stricken ill. |
War in Arabasta
The crew saw a Sea Cat as they neared Arabasta. Starving for food, they try to capture it but Vivi stop them since it was considered a sacred animal. As they pass through some steam from an underwater volcano, Luffy and Usopp caught an okama while fishing. As they waited for his crew to catch up, he entertains them with his Devil Fruit ability to copy other people's appearances, one of which was Vivi's father. When the man's crew caught up, he was revealed to be Mr. 2 Bon Kurei of Baroque Works. Knowing his abilities, they made an 'X' mark on their right arms to know when he was posing as one of them.Nami and Vivi in Arabasta dancer clothes |
The crew landed in Nanohana where they encounter Smoker and Tashigi. A powerful pirate named Portgas D. Ace appears, and is revealed to be Luffy's older brother. Ace fights Smoker while the Straw Hats run for their ship. Ace catches up to them and gave Luffy a Vivre Card before departing. They docked their ship near the once 'green city' of Erumalu where they see the extent of the country's suffering as Vivi explained how Baroque Works was using Dance Powder to cause it. After tackling some of the dangers in the desert, they reach Yuba where they meet Toto, a friend of the royal family. They find out that the Rebel Army has moved out of Yuba and headed to Katorea, and the rebel leader Kohza, Toto's son and Vivi's childhood friend, is determined to attack.
The crew travels to the city of Rainbase to take down Crocodile and Baroque Works, but run afoul of Smoker and Tashigi. Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, and Smoker are trapped by Crocodile. Chopper distracts Crocodile while Sanji frees the rest of the crew, but find themselves trapped yet again. After escaping from Rain Dinners, Usopp and the crew together with Vivi crossed the desert to Alubarna, where the final battle will take place.
Nami releases Heat, Cool air, and Thunder Balls to build clouds. |
Crocodile, however, manages to catch Luffy, beginning the first round of their battle. The crew, excluding Luffy, proceeded to the Alubarna. As they reach the destination, they split up to distract the Baroque Works agents to engage their battle separately. Nami faced off against Miss Doublefinger while trying to figure out her new weapon, the Clima-Tact, at the same time. Unfortunately, Usopp made it more of party favor than a weapon. Regardless, she managed to defeat the Baroque Works agent with her most powerful attack at the time: the Tornado Tempo.
Later, the Straw Hats hurried to locate the bomb before it goes off. Vivi figured out where the bomb was, and had Usopp call the Straw Hats together with a flare. She found it inside of the clock tower, but the Mr. 7 pair of Baroque Works were there. Vivi defeats them but realized the bomb cannot be stopped so easily. It has a timer, and right before it blows up, Pell shows up and takes it into the atmosphere, where he sacrifices himself to save Alubarna.
Ms. Doublefinger is defeated by Nami. |
The Rebel and Royal armies continued to fight even after the bomb went off. It wasn't until it rained and Crocodile was revealed to be one behind the drought that they stopped. Tashigi and Smoker both were rewarded for taking on Crocodile, but neither one of them believed it was right since the Straw Hat pirates did all the work. Luffy rescued Nico Robin and Cobra from the collapsing tomb where he fought and defeated Crocodile. He was then brought to the palace to rest. When he awakened, a banquet is thrown for the pirates. They were then invited to enjoy the hotspring steam-room inside the palace.
Later that night, Mr. 2 Bon Kurei contacted them, telling them he prevented their ship from being taken by the Marines. During the journey back to their ship, Nami admitted to the others that she willingly gave up on the
Skypiea Saga
Rumble in Jaya
Nami's Log Pose begins to point to the sky, after that, a big ship falls from sky and the crew finds a map in of an island named "Skypiea" on a two hundred year-old ship. They compete with the Masira's salvage crew while they search for more clues on how to get there. The Straw Hats decide to go to Jaya island to look for information on Skypeia. Jaya's main town is full of famous pirates that are constantly brawling with each other. Luffy and Zoro have a run-in with a pirate known as "Bellamy the Hyena", who ridicules their dreams and beats them up. Luffy, Zoro and Nami meet the man who is later revealed to be Blackbeard.They leave Mock Town, and get into a fight with Masira's brother, Shojo. The Straw Hats meet with Montblanc Cricket on another part of Jaya. Cricket is a descendant of Montblanc Norland, an infamous "liar" who told of a gold city on Jaya, and Cricket was outcast for looking for artifacts of the gold city. He may be the only person who knows how to get to Skypiea. Cricket explains how the Straw Hats can ride a dangerous vertical current called the Knock-Up Stream to get to Skypeia. However, they first have to catch a South Bird to point them toward the point where the stream will erupt from the ocean. While the Straw Hats are looking for a South Bird, Bellamy and his crew attack Cricket's house, and steal the gold artifacts he had collected over the years from his salvage work. When the Straw Hats return and see what happened, Luffy decides to take a side trip back to Mock Town. The Going Merry is refitted by Masira and Shojo to be more flight capable, and the Straw Hats catch a ride on the Knock-Up Stream for Skypeia.
Adventure in a Sky Island and Taking Down a God
Nami riding her waver. |
God's Game
Nami and Gan Fall VS Hotori and Kotori |
Nami then took Luffy using her waver to go up Giant Jack. They send a message to the rest of the crew to cut down Giant Jack. Using the angle of the falling beanstalk, Luffy and Nami attempt to reach the Maxim. Enel attempts to sink Upper Yard to stop them, but Luffy manages to get up to Enel and eventually finish him off. Later they celebrate the ending of the four hundred year war. The crew was awakened by Luffy to steal the gold. A group of Skypieans came to give them the giant gold post from the golden bell as a reward, but the crew mistook it as a giant cannon. They ran to their ship and managed to return to the Blue Sea with the help of Pagaya and Conis.
CP9 Saga
Davy Back Fight
Nami's exceptional skills allows smooth sailing through the coral reef during the Donut Race. |
In the next event, Groggy Ring, she helped Sanji and Zoro win by stealing the flagrantly biased referee's red card to prevent Sanji's disqualification and then tricking him into blowing the finishing whistle once Sanji and Zoro scored to seal their victory. As a result Chopper was reclaimed.
After the Davy Back Fight, the Straw Hats are confronted by Aokiji, one of the three Admirals. Aokiji casually hits on her, asking if she's available which sparks the jealousy of Sanji. Aokiji reveals to the crew a little of Nico Robin's dark past, emphasizing that every organization she has joined has been wiped out, leaving her as the only survivor. Nami, with the rest of the crew try their best to protect Robin but she is effortlessly knocked aside by the Admiral. She helps thaw out Robin and restore her.
Water 7: A Breaking Ship, a Breaking Crew
Nami and her money. |
Nami decides to head to Franky House and finds Usopp on the way in a pitiful state. As she heads back to the ship for help, Usopp goes to the Franky House himself. Once they're back on the ship, Luffy has to finally tell Usopp that the Going Merry can no longer be repaired and that they've chosen to get a new ship without him. Usopp believes that Luffy has abandoned the dignity of their ship and says he's leaving the crew. That night, he challenges Luffy to a duel. Usopp fights Luffy in order to decide who keeps the Going Merry; he fights harder than he's ever fought before, even brandishing an Impact Dial for the first time. The Straw Hats get themselves a hotel room. Nami finds the crew on the roof with urgent news; Iceburg has been shot. As the Galley La Company frantically search for answers, Nami and Luffy decide to check on his condition - only to be met by closed gates. Franky appears then to exact his revenge - with style. The Galley La Company run outside and stop Franky and Luffy and tell them that they suspect the Straw Hat Pirates of the crime. Chopper reunites with the others without Sanji and they discuss what's happened. Luffy decides that in order to know the full truth, they must catch Robin.
The Straw Hats (still missing Sanji) rush to Galley La where Robin and CP9 begin a raid. The Straw Hat Pirates and Paulie break into the room where they find Iceburg and CP9. Luffy and the others request that Robin comes back to the crew. She refuses and tells them that she cannot accomplish her "wish" if she were to stay with them. Robin turns to leave and CP9 try to hold the pirates back. Robin successfully escapes and Lucci shows those remaining his "transformation". Lucci's transformation is a result of a Devil's Fruit; a Zoan Type leopard. He quickly disposes of the crew and CP9 tie up Paulie and Iceburg, leaving them alone as the building slowly burns down around them. Iceburg makes it clear to Nami that Robin wanted to recover the blueprints and to do that, she wanted her companions to leave the island without her. Nami rushes to tell Chopper so they can go looking for the rest of the crew. Paulie helps clear the name of the Straw Hats but doesn't tell the mob everything he knows. He gets the mob to follow Chopper so they can search for the rest of the crew.
Nami goes her own way so she can rush to the Sea Train. As Nami nears the station, Sanji, ahead of her, approaches the train. Nami and the conductors are rescued by Paulie when the Aqua Laguna floods the main station. A man hands Nami a letter he found from Sanji. It informs her that Usopp, Franky, and he are on board the train that had just departed. Nami speaks with Kokoro and spots Luffy, stuck in between two buildings, in the back streets where the Aqua Laguna will hit first. Nami finally reaches Luffy and tells him that he needs to hurry before Robin reaches Enies Lobby. Luffy pushes apart the buildings he was stuck between and Paulie grabs them all so they can escape the Aqua Laguna's massive wave. Seeing how determined Luffy is to save Robin, Kokoro and Iceburg lends the Straw Hat crew the use of another sea train, Rocket Man. The Franky Family shows up, pleading with Luffy to let them join them because they'll do anything for their leader. The Rocket Man finally makes it out to sea.Paulie tells his fellow carpenters who the real culprits were. The Straw Hats, Franky Family, and Galley-La Company form an alliance.
Zoro, Chopper, Nami, Luffy and Paulie out run Aqua Laguna. |
They miraculously pass through unscathed Aqua Laguna and the passengers rejoice. Sanji contacts the rest of the crew and fills them in on his current situation. Back in the Rocket Man, Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and Chopper get an outfit change; Nami shows off the weapon Usopp upgraded for her while he was still with them. Those on the Rocket Man encounter the discarded cars and Zoro slices them so they can pass. Zoro clashes with "Ship Cutter" T-Bone. The fight is short and Zoro joins the crew again in the Rocket Man. Back at the Rocket Man, Yokuzuna the frog jumps onto the front of the train, knocking them from the rails. After Kokoro speaks with him, he joins the group. Luffy and the others finally catch up to Sanji, Usopp, and the rest of the Franky Family as they near Enies Lobby. Paulie sits down with the group and talks about their plan. Luffy doesn't bother to follow the plan, and slingshots himself beyond the gates before the train stops.
Rescuing a Nakama from Enies Lobby
Kumadori binds Nami. |
The rocketman uses the bridge as a ramp and Nami, together with her nakama, is grabbed by Luffy and they jump. As they land, Fukurou shows up declaring that a key is needed to uncuff Robin, which each agent holds. The crew decide to fight individually and search for an agent. Nami confronts Kumadori and makes a short conversation. She steals his key without him noticing, but can't escape from him. She is saved by Chopper and after running they see a fallen object, Sanji. As she finds out that Sanji's enemy is Kalifa, who is a woman, she confronts her blaming Sanji for his stupid chivalry, and being defeated. She starts at a disadvantage, becoming slippery by Kalifa's new devil fruit ability, the power to control bubbles. She finds the anti of its ability- the water. As Nami finds the anti of the DF powers, Kalifa starts to use rokushiki techniques. Nami casts a rainfall, using her new Clima Tact, and returns back to normal. She defeats Kalifa with a Thunder Lance Tempo and grabs the key. She is found by Franky and together they proceed.
The Going Merry's funeral. |
When she escapes through the tunnel, she is met by Kokoro, Chimney, and a sleeping Chopper. Water starts to flow through the passage they are in, and they run. They catch up with Zoro, Sogeking, and Sanji, who are also running from the rushing water. They are saved by Kokoro who turns into a mermaid. They find an escape ship and go into it. As they ride in their escape ship, they fight a bunch of marines to defend it. Unfortunately, their escape ship exlpodes. As Luffy defeats Lucci, their next problem is their escape ship. Nami hears a voice telling her to jump over the sea. They realize that the voice was the Going Merry and together with the crew mates, they jump and finally escape.
With the Going Merry, everyone has managed to escape Enies Lobby safely. However, after escaping, Iceburg arrives in a Galley-La just in time to pick up the Straw Hat Pirates as the Merry suddenly breaks apart. Luffy then gives the Going Merry a viking funeral by burning it as the crew tearfully says goodbye.
Aftermath of Enies Lobby
Nami listening in on Luffy and Coby's conversation. |
After the party, she was upset to see that so much of the
During the discussion over Usopp's plans to return, Nami argued that Usopp should be allowed to return after Zoro raised his objections. When Usopp rejoins the crew, while both he and Luffy are crying over each other, she says, smiling through her tears, that they are both idiots.
Whitebeard War Saga
Adventure on Ghost Island
After sailing for some time on the Thousand Sunny, Nami and the rest of the crew came across a mysterious barrel floating on the ocean. Upon opening it, a flash shot up from it. A mysterious storm then came out of nowhere. Nami, using her skills as navigator, navigated the ship out of harm's way. Nami and the rest of the crew found themselves in the presence of a ghost ship.Nami, Usopp, and Chopper riding the Mini Merry. |
Wanting to explore for treasure, Nami decided to tag along with Luffy who decided to explore the ship. Sanji decided to tag along with them in order to keep an eye on Nami. There they met a skeleton named Brook, whose rude behavior left a very bad impression on Nami. Then Luffy asked Brook to join his crew which in turn the skeleton accepted. This shocked both Nami and Sanji. After climbing back down to the Thousand Sunny, Nami decided to join for dinner for which Brook decided to also join. Over dinner, Nami learned of the skeleton's past. Just as Brook was about to perform before Nami and the rest of the crew after dinner, a ghost appeared and some clanking sounds were heard. These sounds were caused by the gates of the island that suddenly appeared, Thriller Bark, closing. These events prompted Brook to head to the island before Nami and the rest of the Straw Hats' eyes.
With Luffy's resolve to go to the island, Nami couldn't do anything about it. At that moment, Franky then decided to show the crew a little present, the Mini Merry II. This pleased the crew very much that Nami decided to take out for test drive with Chopper and Usopp. However, while sailing on the little boat, Nami and her companions accidentally bumped into the moat of Thriller Bark and fell from the Mini Merry II into it. There, the three met the Cerberus which chased them until they hid in a tree. In the tree, the three met Hildon who decided to take them to met Dr. Hogback.
After riding a carriage with Hildon through some woods filled with all sorts of stitched-up creatures, Nami and her companions were left in the middle of a cemetery. There, they were attacked by some Zombies which they luckily escaped from. They then came across Hogback's mansion and met with the good doctor and his maid, Cindry.
Nami attacked by the invisible man in the bathroom. |
After dinner with the good doctor, in which the three asked about Brook, Nami decided to take a bath. In the middle of it however, she gets attacked by an invisible thing. Luckily, Usopp came in the bathroom and drove it away. After the incident in the bathroom, Nami and her companions found out that the paintings and taxidermy in the dining room were all Zombies. Fortunately, the three escaped through a secret door before the Zombies could catch them.
Beyond the secret door, Nami and her companions found themselves in a room filled with Cindry's pictures. Through a newspaper article that Nami found, the three learned that Cindry was an actress that died ten years ago. Just as they were about to leave, the three stumbled across a treasure chest. Nami was very eager to find treasure that her mood completely changed from that when she learned about the previous revelation. Inside however, was a horrific Jack in a box that frightened the three out of the room.
Nami unconscious, wearing a wedding gown. |
As the three were running through the hallways of the mansion from more painting Zombies, a mysterious bodyguard decided to chase them. Eventually, Nami, along with Usopp and Chopper, overhear Moriah about his plan of creating Oars the strongest zombie. Eventually, the trio are caught and make a run for it and soon have to fight a bunch of zombie bodyguards. During the battle, Nami is captured by Absalom. After being taken away, she is given sleeping pills and dressed in a white wedding gown. Sanji arrives and gains the upper hand against Absalom before Oars comes. As Sanji is distracted for a moment, Absalom seizes Nami, makes her invisible, and escapes to complete his wedding.
Nami regains consciousness while Absalom is just about to kiss her, she then attempts to evade his kisses. Lola then arrives, initially attacking Nami for being chosen as Absalom's bride before attacking him to allow her to escape. Absalom shoots Lola down with his invisible Bazooka, but Nami then defeats him with one hit of Swing Arm, not realizing that he had been weakened from his fight with Sanji. Lola then revealed that she always knew Nami was a woman.
Absalom is electrocuted by the perfect climate baton |
On her way out, Nami passes over Franky's bridge and finds Perona loading treasure onto her ship in an attempt to escape. Perona plans on attacking Nami, but the Shichibukai Bartholomew Kuma arrives and apparently teleports Perona away when she attempts to attack him. He then asks Nami if Luffy has a brother, and she says he does in panic.
Nami finally arrives at the battle against Oars and Moriah right at the time Franky is stormed by Oars. But one by one, the members are incapacitated, except for her and Usopp. As Oars is about to beat them, Luffy saves them almost instantly. He invokes a new form- Nightmare Luffy, which allows him to badly defeat Oars and Moriah inside. Lola's crew catches up to Luffy's crew and starts to cure the Straw Hats; Meanwhile, Brook is heavily injured. But Oars stand up to find, she and all of Straw Hats use a team tactics in order to break Oars' spine bone. However, Moriah uses his greatest power, Shadow Asgard to recover and prepares to finish everyone off. Using his Gears tactically, Luffy finally finishes Moriah off and faints from exhaustion and wounds, in the process giving everyone their shadows back and leaving Moriah unconscious but alive. Nami is seen in this time standing around with everyone and watch the result of battle.
Nami attacks Oars using Thunder Tempo to help the crew. |
Nami then remembers Kuma is on this island and tells everyone. Meanwhile, Kuma reports that Moriah has failed to defeat Luffy and is badly wounded, he is ordered to kill everyone on Thriller Bark and evacuate the wounded Moriah. However, instead of outright killing everyone as his orders said, he offers everyone a deal, let him have Luffy's head (who cannot fight back now) and he'll leave everyone alone. The Straw Hats and everyone else on the island tell Kuma no way and he sets off his bomb-like Ursus Shock that badly wounds everyone.
The Straw Hat crew as they celebrate in their ship for their new nakama Brook. |
Soon after, Nami joins everyone in a celebratory party at Thriller Bark (save for Zoro, who is still recovering from his wounds, and Nami is seen by his bedside) lead by Brook and his piano. Luffy finally reveals to Brook that he is friends with his nakama, Laboon. Brook stops partying, cries, and reveals a Tone Dial which has the last song the Rumba Pirates ever performed together on it. Brook states that since he has new friends in Luffy and the others, he no longer needs the Dial and will give it to Laboon the next time they meet. Brook then asks if the Straw Hat crew invite is still good and Luffy says it is, Nami joins the others in a shocked response. After the funeral of Brook's shipmates, the Straw Hat crew, including Brook leave Thriller Bark but not before Nami receives a gift from Lola, which is a Vivre Card of Lola's mother. Luffy mentions he has a similar card of Portgas D. Ace. When the card he has was burning, Lola told him that Ace is in danger. When Nami asks Luffy about saving Ace, he declines and says that Ace can take care of himself.
An Incident at Sabaody Archipelago and Destruction of the Straw Hat Crew
When the crew reached the halfway point of the Grand Line, Nami looked at her Log Pose and it was still pointing down meaning Fishman Island is right below them. Luffy, Robin and Brook took the Shark Submerge to look in the depths only to find a rabbit-like Sea King. Luffy defeated it which then upchucked a mermaid (Keimi) and a starfish (Pappag). Nami was surprised to see the mermaid in its existence. Keimi then told the crew that her friend named "Hatchin" has been captured and must be rescued. Nami told Keimi that they will rescue him if she could find a way to get to Fishman Island. At the kidnapper's hideout, a trap was being set. In the cage was the captive. When the crew saw that it was "Hatchan", five of the nine members were not exactly happy to see him. Despite all this, Nami agreed to get Hatchan freed from his situation. Keimi tried to free him herself only to be captured by the Macro Fishmen. Luffy then rescued Keimi and the crew then battled the Flying Fish Riders. They eventually freed Hatchan so that he can deal with the Macro Fishmen. After that battle, the leader Duval attacked the Straw Hat crew in his anger and Sanji soon defeated him. There was then a victory party taking place. Hatchan nervously asked Nami to have some Takoyaki without her beating him. Nami said that she still hadn't forgiven him from before, but tried some anyway and told him they were quite good.Nami accepts Hatchan's Takoyaki. |
The crew then went to search for a man in which Keimi said would help with getting their ship to Fishman Island. When Nami saw some shopping malls, she went there with Robin to go shopping. She was listening to Robin talking about Fishmen rights and how they lived their lives and when Robin finished Franky came and warned them that Keimi was captured and being sold. When she and Franky arrived at the auction house at Grove 1, Franky thought of getting Keimi back by force. Nami thought it would be easier to play by their rules by buying Keimi back with the money they have. That plan however was thwarted when Saint Charloss made a higher bid and thus, Keimi was sold. Hatchan was very mad at this. Luffy, along with the rest of the Rosy Life Riders then arrived. Hatchan wanted to stop Luffy from having to strike at the Tenryuubito for that would call upon an admiral. Saint Charloss then shot at Hatchan in hopes he could have another slave for free. Nami having heard the stories of Fishmen discrimination was feeling upset for Hatchan but not as upset as Keimi was as she saw her friend getting killed. From this, Luffy then gave Saint Charloss a well deserved punch in the face. The auction house went silent and then fleed except for Eustass Kid and Trafalgar Law, who were amused by this. Hatchan was surprised to see Luffy defending him and Nami forgives Luffy for being himself as usual. After Keimi was freed, the auction house was surrounded by Marines which were defeated by Luffy, Kid, and Law. Everyone made their escape with Nami using Thunderbolt Tempo.
After their escape, the Straw Hats went to Shakky's Rip-off Bar to recuperate where Silvers Rayleigh had told them that he was part of Gol D. Roger's crew. His mentioning that Buggy was in Gold Roger's crew with Shanks caused her (along with Zoro) to recall their unpleasant encounters with him in East Blue.
Rayleigh tells the Straw Hats he needs at least three days to coat the Thousand Sunny, so he gave all of them Vivre Cards to locate him as he plans to move the ship. Just as the Straw Hats depart Shakky's Rip Off Bar and say their farewells to Shakky, Keimi, Pappag, and Hatchan, they are soon confronted by someone who appears to be Bartholomew Kuma. After fighting him for a short time, the Straw Hats, specifically Zoro, realize that who they're fighting may not be the real Kuma after all, but rather a Pacifista replica, as he hasn't used any of his Nikyu Nikyu no Mi abilities. Despite knowing he was not the real one, they still have difficulty injuring his body, which is harder than steel. When the Pacifista spotted Nami and attempted to fire on her with her beam Robin pounded his mouth shut with her powers, causing the beam to damage the Pacifista. Nami took advantage of the groggy cyborg by firing a Thunder Lance Tempo right through its torso, doing enough damage to make it go berserk. The rest of the fight was left to the three strongest members of the Straw Hats: Sanji, Zoro and Luffy.
After the fight, most of the Straw Hats were left exhausted, but the arrival of Sentoumaru and another Pacifista, PX-1 forced them to flee. Nami split up with Sanji and Franky, but the Pacifista intercepted them. Kizaru arrives and attacks Zoro but Silvers Rayleigh deflects the blow, buying some time for Luffy to yell to his crew to escape, with the plan being to lay low, and survive for three days, and rendevous at the Thousand Sunny. Before this plan can be carried out however, Bartholomew Kuma appears, and using his Nikyu Nikyu powers, picks off the Straw Hats one by one, much to Luffy's dismay. Nami pleads to her captain for help, which is cut short when she suddenly seems to vanish into thin air.
Straw Hat Separation Adventure: Weatheria
Haredas shows Nami the Wind Knot. |
Later, Nami is imprisoned by the scientists for attempting to steal their experiments and information. Upon reading about Ace's death in the newspaper she breaks down sobbing, understanding the heartbreak that Luffy had gone through. Seeing this, the scientists let her free, but it turns out to be a ruse and she manages to escape by taking Haredas hostage, though he notes that her "fake" tears are still flowing, to which she snaps back at him to shut up.
Haredas tells Nami about the New World's climate. |
While she and Haredas are escaping, she reads the article about Luffy returning to Marineford and gets frustrated at him for not thinking about the crew and only himself. Later, she is caught by the scientists, who reprimand her, but cries crocodile tears to make the scientists apologetic. She runs off, saying she forgives them and that she wants a house from them to live in. Shortly afterwards, she is informed by Haredas of the New World's strange weather and decides that she must learn all about it to be able to help her reckless captain, Luffy, reminiscing of her past experiences with him all the while. She asks Haredas to teach her about the weather ball, but he says that if it is used improperly, it could plunge the world into chaos. Nami then asks about the possibility of using it as a weapon much to Heredas' dismay.
Two Years Later
The Straw Hat Reunion
Nami and Usopp meet again. |
The Straw Hats descend to Fishman Island. |
Nami and Usopp then ran into Chopper, who is searching for "Robin". After telling Chopper that the Straw Hats he encountered are fakes, they return to the Thousand Sunny. There, they get reacquainted with Robin, Franky, Rayleigh, and Shakky. As Franky amazes Usopp and Chopper with his new upgrades, Nami comments on Franky's unusual body. Rayleigh then says that he is going to teach Nami on how to operate a coated ship. She was pleasently surprised when she heard from Rayleigh that Luffy was already in the archipelago.
After the ship arrives at Grove 42, Brook soon boards the ship. Brook then asks Nami if he can see her panties again after two years. Nami responds by kicking him across the ship, commenting that she didn't show him her panties two years earlier either. She also comments that none of the others have matured in two years. After the Monster Trio arrives with the help of Chopper and a giant bird, Nami greets them all. When Luffy starts admiring Franky's new body, Nami pulls him away while telling him that there are Marine ships nearby. Nami sees the Kuja's Pirate ship along with the rest of the crew, and Robin informs her about the Kuja Pirates. Nami is then surprised to find out that Luffy knows Hancock and that Luffy was sent to Amazon Lily. Nami then explains how the ship is going to sail underwater and says that they need to raise the sails when Franky releases the floats. Luffy asks Nami if they're ready to set sail, to which she replies yes, and with that she is seen cheering with the rest of the crew as the ship sets sail for Fishman Island.
Nami, along with the crew marvels at the underwater scenery. She is then asked by Sanji to explain what they need to know about a coated ship. As she replies, Sanji gets a massive nosebleed. After Sanji is saved by Luffy, Nami starts explaining about the coated ship. She then sits down and eats one of Luffy's Kuja lunchboxes as Franky explains how their ship was kept safe for two years by Kuma.
Journey to Fishman Island
With the help of their seacow, the Caribou Pirates caught up with the Straw Hats and prepare for battle. After Caribou sets foot on the Thousand Sunny, Nami recognizes the seacow, which turns out to be Mohmoo. Mohmoo fled in fear after seeing Nami, Sanji, and Luffy leaving Caribou behind. The Straw Hats then tie up Caribou as he begs for mercy. With that settled, Nami then explains the underwater currents and the right path to take, but as usual, most of the other Straw Hats quickly lose interest in Nami's explanation much to her annoyance. When they reach the "underwater waterfall", the crew encounters the Kraken. Much to Nami's dismay, Luffy insists on taming the sea monster. Nami screams in terror when she witnesses the Kraken destroying Caribou's ship. Nami suggests Franky to use the Coup De Burst to escape the Kraken, but Franky says that will make the ship's bubble shrivel. The Monster Trio then equip themselves with Barefoot Coating, fight the Kraken out in the sea and defeat it. However, because the Monster Trio are not wearing life-lines, they got separated from Nami and the rest of the crew as the ship goes down the underwater current. After reaching 7000 meters below the surface, the crew encounters more sea monsters. She along with the rest of the crew are spooked by all the deep sea creatures. When it came to light that Caribou had managed to escape, she started to get worried, though he was quickly captured by Franky. As it started to get hotter, Nami realized that they were near undersea volcanoes and told the crew to steer away from them. However they soon saw a light in the ocean, which they approached before realizing that they were headed straight into the jaws of a Sea Devil. They were saved thanks to an Umibozu, who quickly revealed himself to be an enemy. Then a ghost ship appeared, scaring her along with Chopper, Usopp and Brook. They quickly found out that the ghost ship is in fact the Flying Dutchman, led by Captain Van Der Decken. As they were about to be attacked by the Umibozu, they were saved thanks to the newly tamed Surume. However just as soon as the crew was once again reunited, the sea started rumbling, with Nami confirming that an undersea volcano was about to erupt.Nami orders Luffy to tell Surume to get far away from the volcano. However, Surume is already running away. She seems pleased that they are able to escape. She then notices that the magma is running down the side of the volcano to the ocean floor and that the currents were swirling due to the temperature differences. She says that they need to go a little farther to make it into a specific trench. When Franky sees something above the ship, Nami realizes that it is a rockslide caused by the volcano, effectively destroying the trench. When they reach the bottom of the trench, there is a bright light emmenating from an island. Nami confirms with the log pose that they have arrived at Fishman Island. She then tells Luffy to stop thinking about the food on the island and help her search for an entrance.
When Hammond and the New Fishman Pirates show up, Nami looks uncomfortable seeing the tattoo of the Arlong Pirates on his neck. Knowing that Luffy will reject Hammond's offer of joining the New Fishman Pirates, she tells Franky to refuel the ship. She says that they don't stand a chance against the fishmen, as the water pressure is too strong. She then tells Franky about her plan to use the last of the ship's air in a Coup de Burst to get away from the pirates and charge right into Fishman Island.
Adventure in the Underwater Paradise
Hammond does not take kindly to Luffy's rejection and prepares to attack the Thousand Sunny. Franky activates Coup de Burst and the ship flies through the bubble surrounding Fishman Island. The ship then falls into a current and the Straw Hats get separated. Nami's current location is unknown.Early One Piece
Nami's design and personality (and arguably her background story as well) is the result of a long process with several other similar characters. The first apparent character in the process of developing towards Nami was Silk in Romance Dawn V.1, who was then followed by another girl called Ann in Romance Dawn V.2. Each one of the girls had her own personality which seemed to have been placed into Nami's overall design.The bath scene from the One Piece Loguetown novel, showing Nami with a scar. |
However, in the Novel a panel of Nami in a bath is seen with the scar left over from stabbing herself on her back, the new tattoo did not cover the scar at all. Since the Loguetown novel contained elements of original storyline Oda did not add, there is the possibility that this was an early design idea. However it is unclear if this was Oda's intended idea, as the novel is not put together by Oda but only based on his ideas and his artwork.
According to One Piece Green: Secret Pieces, Nami was initially going to be a battle-axe user.
Cameos and Crossovers
Translation and Dub Issues
"Nami" is Japanese for "wave".Mostly, Nami did not suffer any major alterations from Japanese to English dub by 4Kids. However, since the Arlong Arc, Nami was the subject of various edits.
The most common edit, as seen in the Arabasta arc when she wore a Dancer's outfit, was to remove any cleavage on her outfits; although all the female characters had their cleavage and breast lines removed. In line with this edit was the add of a bathing suit to her body during the bath scene near the end of the arc. Another such scene where she used her "Happiness Punch" against the men who were peeking at her and Vivi from the wall separating the male and female baths. One major edit saw the alteration Nami has suffered was the absence of her stabbing the tattoo on her left arm when she is mad at Arlong.
In the FUNimation TV Edit dub version, these edits towards Nami are not as restrictive, notably during the Skypiea Arc where she wore a bikini top with no edits to her breasts.
Nami's epithet (泥棒猫, Dorobō Neko) can be translated as cat burglar however it can also mean a woman who steals men from other women, in essence a type of promiscuous woman. It is similar to derogatory English words such as floozie and hussy.
Anime and Manga Differences
Nami steals Alvida's treasure. |
In the anime, Nami is introduced in the series as early as Episode 1. She appears on the ship Alvida attacks and while Alvida's men are raiding the passenger ship she was on, Nami snuck on board to steal her treasure. After Luffy defeats Alvida, Nami is seen leaving the scene when Luffy and Coby lower their ship next to hers, almost causing Nami's ship to turn over. She is later seen when they deal with Captain Morgan; while Luffy and Coby talk about the Marine a brief scene shows her sitting in the same bar listening to their conversation. None of these scenes appear in the manga.
Nami's adventure in Weatheria is extended in the anime. In the anime, when a storm comes to Weatheria, Nami combines the wind knot with her clima tact to neutralize the storm.
Source URL: https://aminefairy.blogspot.com/2010/12/nami.html
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